The Importance Of Being A Successful Salesperson

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Being a successful salesperson is no accident. Successful salespeople understand and master the following key concepts:
• Why customers buy and how that differs from how many companies approach a sale.
• The importance of first impressions and how personal and store appearance play a role in building customer trust before the first word is spoken.
• The key components and theories behind making a sale work, regardless of the product being sold.
• How to take maximum advantage of their personal selling style.
• The importance of developing a command of product knowledge to the level of teaching your customers, and
• Learning and practicing the key selling strategies, which provide every customer with enough information to come to a buying decision. Mastering these is critical to becoming a top performer.
These are the main ingredients of the magic formula for success. Every ingredient in the recipe must be followed and the key concepts mastered to become a top performer. The successful salesperson id dedicated to making it look simple.
Making a sale can be a lucky coincidence. But the best salespeople understand that there is a specific set of techniques to making a sale. But many of the best get derailed because they don’t understand what drives customers to buy in the first place. When you know that, making the sale becomes that much easier. To begin our journey, let’s take a look at the buying process.
The Buying Process
The goal of most companies is to get customers to buy their products. Products are designed with the buyer in mind. Unfortunately, the same cannot always be said for the marketing and sales processes. In particular, businesses often force their customers through the company’s selling processes instead of sup...

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... in the presentation step of the sale. You are the talent agent, and the product is your star client. Knowing the right words to fit the 20 percent pays off, because…
Customers buy when value exceeds cost.
Let me say that again. Customers buy when value exceeds cost. These are the six most important words in retail, no matter what you are selling. Burn them you’re your brain. Memorize them and don’t ever forget them. Here’s why those six words are so important:
If you are trying to sell me a product and can convince me not only why I need it, but also how I can’t function without it, I will purchase that product from you regardless of cost.
Most salespeople work on some type of commission. It may be how you you’re your living. If you can learn to sell value based on trust and product benefits and take price negotiation out of the equation, is that a value to you?

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