The Importance Of An Ideal Life

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Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Larry Ellison. These are the names of individuals who hold unfathomable amounts of power and success, yet no college degree. Our education system implements a curriculum that advocates the importance of “succeeding” in high school and then moving onto college, where we obtain a degree that charters the rest of our lives. This is what we view as an ideal life. Jobs, Gates, and Ellison are a very small minority to break away from this system and still have the capabilities to succeed. But the majority is not as fortunate in such a system. What if we could “flip-the-script” and transform the minority into the majority. Our educational institutes should focus on students by providing unique adult counseling and help. …show more content…

Mentors will not be limited to issues that are related to education, they will also aid students with problems that they are having within their personal lives as well. As with academic issues, the mentors’ doors will always open providing students with an outlet that they can rely on at anytime of the day or night. Students may reach out to mentors to discuss issues within their families, friend groups, or other personal conflicts. Our mentors will also have a mental health perspective as stated by the ASCA (American School Counselor Association), and like all professionals, our mentors provide students with confidentiality maintaining a sense of privacy between them. Through their mentors, students are able to ask for an adult’s advice without the pressures of their parents, and without encountering the youthful ignorance and objectivity of their peers. Teens will also be able to obtain a non-biased adult opinion. Further, if a student has a specific need our mentors could provide references and connections whether it is a doctor, therapist, or other professionals. Mentors will be responsible for all aspects of a student’s life, they will ensure the student is succeeding academically and

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