The Impact of Time Wastage on Employees

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The purpose to the study is to investigate that time which is considered not to be less than money, when sales force is involved in activities of extra unnecessary documentation The time wastage leads to employee low morale, more absenteeism, high job dissatisfaction and low organizational commitment. Due to time wastage in extra documentation activities the performance of employee decreases which directly effect on firm productivity and profitability. The research study is basically based on quantitative research technique. This study focuses on the impact of time wastage in sale force on employee intentions to quit; time wastage is taken in this study as an independent variable (I.V) whereas employee intention to quit is taken as a dependent variable (D.V). Various other measures of employee intention to quit are also included in this research study, which are employee role stress, employee commitment and employee job satisfaction. This research study highlights the importance of employee time wastage and its effects on employee performance within the Pakistani organizations.

Key Terms: Time wastage, Intentions to quit, role stress, employee commitment, job- satisfaction




In an era of increased competition, leaders recognize the importance of time wastage and employee intention to quit more than before. The time wastage leads to employee low morale, more absenteeism, high job dissatisfaction and low organizational commitment. Due to time wastage in extra documentation activities the performance of employee decreases which directly effect on firm productivity and profitability. With a support from upper level management, the contribution to the filed activities and documentation can ...

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