The Impact of Speech Sound Disorders on the Development of Early Literacy Skills

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Speech Sound Disorders affect the development of early literacy skills. This topic is particularly valuable to parents and teachers of language learners because working with individuals who manifest persistent speech errors and language difficulties may have a difficult time developing literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. A Speech Sound Disorder occurs when language errors continue past a certain age. This may require that a language teacher intervene with explicit and adapted remedial speech or literacy instruction. To understand Speech Sound Disorders in greater detail, I will explore the most common characteristics of a Speech Sound Disorders and how it relates to the phonological process, generally supposed contributors of these speech delays, the predictors and challenges for literacy outcomes, and the most effective approaches and phonological interventions practiced.

Speech Sound Disorders and the Phonological Process

Speech Sound Disorders are complex conditions that interfere with an individual’s ability to communicate, and there are four main characteristics found: omissions, additions, substitutions, and distortions. Omission is where an individual may not produce a certain sound in their oral language. For example, an individual might say, “I go a coo,” instead of, “I go to school.” Making additions is when sounds are added to a word like “weduh go home,” rather than, “we go home.” Substitutions in speech are when an incorrect sound is used instead of the correct one. An example of this would be, “I see wed in the waimbow,” when the individual is really trying to say, “I see red in the rainbow.” Another characteristic includes distortions...

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