The Impact of Parental Conflict on Children

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“It’s hard to hear the yelling and unkind words. Seeing parents upset make me worried and I don’t understand what to do except crying.” These are the words of a young helpless boy, living with discorded parents. This is just one scenario but today there are several such children who are the victims of parental conflict. The most frequently asked question that does parental conflict affect children can be explicitly answered by the words of this child. Moreover, it has been noted that presence of conflict among parents not only causes harm to their relationship but on the other hand can impose debilitating impact on Children’s lives. Dotinga (2006) being supporter of this view stated that, “Even moderate amounts of parental conflict can wreak havoc on the lives of children”. Such is the case of this child who was brought to our facility to seek emergency care. He was accompanied by his neighbor. On arrival, he was constantly crying and taking shallow breaths. When his pulse was checked, it was rapid. I could feel the thrill keeping my fingers away from his wrist. Initially, the child was managed and supported. He seemed upset and was not interacting with anyone around him. Investigations were sent to rule out the underlying cause. However, the results were normal. When asked about the parents, it was found that none of the parents were aware of child’s child's conditions. Later the neighbor informed his father about child’s hospitalization. As soon as his father arrived, child closed his eyes tightly as he does not want to see his father. Within seconds, cardiac monitor alarmed due to increase heart beats and child's condition deteriorated again. Father was then taken to counseling room, during a conversation when he was asked ... ... middle of paper ... ...ence for children. Paying due respect to each other, compromise and cooperation are some of the techniques can help children to stay away from negative impact. Such as, if parents apologize in front of children, children can gain a positive learning out of it. Dotinga (2006) asserted that, “parents should make sure to do one thing when they resolve a problem: do it in front of the children.” In my view, this strategy can help child understand problem solving abilities. To conclude, we can say that parents play a crucial role in framing child’s personality. As now it evident that parental conflict has its impact on every step of children’s life. Moreover, children imitate what they observe in their family. Thus, the responsibility lies with the parents to deal with such distressing situations in healthy ways in order to become a positive role model for children.

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