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Relevancy of the history of music technology
Relevancy of the history of music technology
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This article will focus on the early and pioneering development of new and emergent sounds and music recording formats and their impact on the earlier analogue music industry. Through this historical research and analysis, the paper will report on how the early digital music pioneers applied these new technologies, techniques and procedures in the production of music and sound. Analogue Being Replaced by digital Digital recordings are made with ones and zeros, while analogue recordings are made with linear bumps and dips. While the digital fabric is not as particular as analog information, it can be applied with additional digital devices, such as PCs, making editing and reproduction of the information easier and firmer. Rock being taking over by dance Dance music was a big hit during the 1920’s with Lindy Hop ,the first partner dance it was later taken over by Rock ‘n’ Roll in 1959 this type of dance included personal expression and interpretation in style. From swinging which came around in the 1920 to the Rock ‘n’ Roll that came around in the 1959 Rock ‘n’ Roll soon took over with its freedom in dance moves and its catchy music Digital Music Positive A few years after the turn of the century most music was still dispersed and created in a more substantial format. This in turn ensued in a level of cost, which was way too high for certain people to accommodate. With the fairly cheap cost of digital creation more artists are instantly capable to make their art where it might have been unmanageable before due to economic constraints. Similarly, labels without much wealth can distribute mp3s with much less cost than what was needed to manufacture CDs or vinyl. Negative One advantage of the high cost of the more physic... ... middle of paper ... ...i-town rapper/producer is now being exploited for his part in sampling the 1974 song "Bumpin' Bus Stop", by Thunder & Lightning. The Internet rebellion has left a vast distribution of strains, and has produced about changes affecting the privacy rules. The development of laws in Europe and United States like SOPA and PIPA had encouraged a lot of reactions and brings the discussion to center stage. Assume for example YouTube is likely one of the best, you can see music videos for free (in spite of the regular advertisements), see how the artists look without doing to pay etc. It makes a new generation of web artists, most of the time going by. New consumer formats Since the success of iTunes created in 2003 the sales of CDs has fallen due to the easy sale from home. People can buy whatever song they desire at a click of a button from the comfort of their own home.
The music industry can trace its roots to the 18th century when classical composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sought commissions from the church or aristocracies by touring to promote their music (Boerner). By the early 20th century, recorded collections of songs were available for purchase for home listening. Towards the middle of the century, record album production had become the norm for getting new music to the masses and album sales had replaced sheet-music sales as a measure of popularity, with the first gold-recor...
When these music were created it was still mostly raised by the elites and the wealthy individuals. Although there was shift in audience from aristocracy to bourgeoisie, their music was still enjoyed by aristocrats at the time. The music does not have the same feel, precision, artistic effect that it would have back in those days. With the technologically advanced and fast moving society, the music from classical era and early Twentieth century era is not the music that it used ti be. But, it is still appreciable that the advancement had made to the era and to the music industry.
The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music In this essay, I have examined the use of electronic technology within 20th and 21st Century music. This has involved analysis of the development and continuing refinement of the computer in today’s music industry, as well as the theory of the synthesiser and the various pioneers of electronic technology, including Dr. Robert Moog and Les Paul. Also within the essay, I have discussed the increasing use of computers in the recording studio. The computer has become an indispensable tool in ensuring that both recording and playback sound quality is kept at the maximum possible level. Many positive ideas have come from the continued onslaught of computerisation.
Brooke Whitby Britta Peterson Dance History May 4 ,2016 . Swing Dance Influences History is constant . The universe is forever creating history that effects the present and the future . I would like to focus on one aspect of history that has and will forever influence America today . Swing dance is a crucial element in the develop-ment of American culture . Swing dance is a style that could only have developed in America during the 1920 's and have the impact that it did . Without swing dance in America , American culture would be different in every aspect . Everything we know to be true today would not have existed were it not for Swing dance in America . Swing dance is defined as a group of dances that developed with the swing
It is no secret that digital photography is very rapidly finding a niche in modem society, in both the professional realm as well as in the home. The advent of newer, faster, and more embellished technologies have placed the power of photographic production in the hands of the common person. An art form that formerly was left to the charge of few skilled professionals has been forever changed by these technologies. Certainly, this evolution of sorts has its strengths as well as its drawbacks. What advantages does a photographer have with digital technology that he or she might not have with a traditional camera? What are the disadvantages? And what does this technology mean for the future of the photography trade?
One important change that has occurred is the distribution of music digitally. Music now in our society is purchased through the Internet. The simplicity of having an entire library of music on one device has been adopted versus having stacks of CD’s or tapes. The emergence of the Mp3 file has changed how we listen to music. Mp3 are digital songs that are portable, provide high quality sound, and are less expensive. Essentially by eliminating middlemen, digital music took control of music away from the major record companies and put the power in the listener’s hands. Major companies such as Apple’s iTunes created the distribution of digital music. CNNMoney mentions, “iTunes is currently responsible for 63% of all digital music sales” (CNNMoney). They set the standard of 99 cents for a single song, which was quickly adopted by major music companies. Selling songs by singles provided more control ...
Music and the relationships of music have changed drastically in our society. The course of studies and the evaluations of the applications of the technology of music, the making and the listening of music have changed in the way we listen to music, the styles of music in our society and in the media. The importance of the technology in music today, has, over the past century been charted through the study of musical examples and through viewing how human values are reflected in this century's timely music. There are very many different types of music that are listened to. There are readings, writings, lectures and discussions on all the different types of music.
Break-dance became a very popular form of Hip-Hop dance in the 1980s. The formation of Hip-Hop had some links with Rock & Roll. With the growing segregation of radio formats and the dominance of mainstream rock by white male performers, the place of black artists in the rock world diminished. By the late 1990s, no major popular black successor to Chuck Berry or Jimi Hendrix had emerged in Rock. These trends, combined with the rise of “safe” dance disco by white bands (the Bee Gees), black artists (Donna Summer), and integrated groups (the Village People), created a space for the culture that produced Hip-Hop music.
classical techniques of record production, tending to shy away from the increasing practise of digital
An artist’s only feasible option is to go through this system. To obtain music of high quality, people had to buy vinyl singles or albums or tape, and later, only CDs. There was no practical way to listen to music before buying it, without listening to it or tapping off the radio. Music was very restricted by several different record companies. The record labels in the industry select what music they think people want to hear, and they try to sell the music.
social dance scene of the 1970s and most of the 80s. Eventually the growing popularity of
Digital signals have transformed the world today, and in few areas is it as prevalent as it is in the music industry. Today’s analog-to-digital converters allow us to accurately store the physical, analog phenomena of sound as digital data, with high fidelity and perfect reproduction quality [1]. Digital audio storage is far more practical than analog audio storage for both the consumer and the professional alike. Digital audio is not vulnerable to noise, unlike analog audio where noise is not only prevalent but machine-indistinguishable from the original message [NEED CITE]. Additionally, digital audio is compressible, meaning that we can reduce the amount of data needed to represent the audio signal if we value data storage space over sound quality [2]. We see the natural result of this convenience in the massive spread of digital sound devices both in our portable music players, and in more inconspicuous locations such as the audio tracks to DVDs and the pre-recorded dictations in our GPS systems.
The recording industry today is made possible because of the contributions inventors like Thomas Edison, who invented the phonograph and Emile Berliner, who developed the gramophone. In the late 19th century early disc players required large horns to amplify their sound. IN 1925 Joseph Maxfield perfected the music playing equipment to eliminate the tinny sound of the recordings. Two years later jukeboxes were manufactured and brought music to restaurants and night clubs. By the 1940’s albums came about, but they were not the same albums we know today. Back then an album consisted of a set of ten envelopes with a song recorded on each side of the record. In 1947, Peter Goldmark created the long-playing (LP) record that could play a length of
Digital art became more known to individuals during the mid-20th century. Digital art is much like drawing, people have to be skilled with these tools just as they do with drawing tools. To succeed in digital art one still has to learn how to use each tool and practice with it to get better. The same goes for drawing, one needs to keep practicing and trying to learn to get better. There are many different websites to use in digital art and many different techniques for it such as photoshop. With digital art there are so many options to do, one can make their artwork lifelike or like nothing seen on Earth. Technology has had a big impact the way art has evolved, it all started with something simple such as color and a canvas. Art has become complex and now there are millions of online tools to achieve the art wanted. It is much more simple now to go from a white screen to making something look very abstract and life like. Although digital art has greatly progressed, it is still more of a new concept and can still be improved from as it is today. Once people are able to create a much more detailed image with digital art it will be as great as drawing or painting. If one goes up close to a painting they will be able to see the brush strokes and the little details, but as of for digital art if one gets closer it is made of many pixels and does not give as great detail (Maraviglia). Another type of art that is well
As most of us know, downloading mp3’s has seemed to be a big computer demand over these past couple of years. Typical college students around the United States would spend hours downloading files to their computer that would just contain their favorite songs they listen to daily. But why are these students wasting their time and their Internet use downloading simple songs they could find on CD’s? Well the main idea here is that most of the mp3’s that people download off the Internet are free. You do not have a fee to pay when you download this music. Also, here is the first chance ever where people are able to download their favorite music without taking up that much space on their computer.