The Impact of Digital Technology on the music and sound recording inductry

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This article will focus on the early and pioneering development of new and emergent sounds and music recording formats and their impact on the earlier analogue music industry. Through this historical research and analysis, the paper will report on how the early digital music pioneers applied these new technologies, techniques and procedures in the production of music and sound. Analogue Being Replaced by digital Digital recordings are made with ones and zeros, while analogue recordings are made with linear bumps and dips. While the digital fabric is not as particular as analog information, it can be applied with additional digital devices, such as PCs, making editing and reproduction of the information easier and firmer. Rock being taking over by dance Dance music was a big hit during the 1920’s with Lindy Hop ,the first partner dance it was later taken over by Rock ‘n’ Roll in 1959 this type of dance included personal expression and interpretation in style. From swinging which came around in the 1920 to the Rock ‘n’ Roll that came around in the 1959 Rock ‘n’ Roll soon took over with its freedom in dance moves and its catchy music Digital Music Positive A few years after the turn of the century most music was still dispersed and created in a more substantial format. This in turn ensued in a level of cost, which was way too high for certain people to accommodate. With the fairly cheap cost of digital creation more artists are instantly capable to make their art where it might have been unmanageable before due to economic constraints. Similarly, labels without much wealth can distribute mp3s with much less cost than what was needed to manufacture CDs or vinyl. Negative One advantage of the high cost of the more physic... ... middle of paper ... ...i-town rapper/producer is now being exploited for his part in sampling the 1974 song "Bumpin' Bus Stop", by Thunder & Lightning. The Internet rebellion has left a vast distribution of strains, and has produced about changes affecting the privacy rules. The development of laws in Europe and United States like SOPA and PIPA had encouraged a lot of reactions and brings the discussion to center stage. Assume for example YouTube is likely one of the best, you can see music videos for free (in spite of the regular advertisements), see how the artists look without doing to pay etc. It makes a new generation of web artists, most of the time going by. New consumer formats Since the success of iTunes created in 2003 the sales of CDs has fallen due to the easy sale from home. People can buy whatever song they desire at a click of a button from the comfort of their own home.

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