The Impact Of Religion On Latin America

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Religion in Latin America has always been tied closely to Catholicism because of the influence of Europeans who came to settle South America, bringing along their Catholic foundation. With the early formations of governments in Latin America, church and state were closely linked. The church had significant influence over what happened in the political realm of the countries’ relations. The case was no different for Colombia. The Catholic church has played a significant role in the history of Colombia, assuming an esteemed status in the country and exercising control over different areas of the government and public affairs, but as time passed its role in power has taken a slight downturn.
In the mid-1800s, Panama, which was originally part of Colombia, seceded from the nation and Colombia took on a new title, The Republic of Colombia. Immediately, the Catholic church came to intervene. Working with the King, Spaniards came to Colombia to bring religious progress to the country, but sadly, they ended up being more of a hindrance than a help. The real religious progress came through the Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits, and other missionary groups. They spread their religion among the Colombian forests and grasslands and helped establish the church in Colombia. Though they were looked down on by colonists and government officials, these individuals pushed through, eventually creating the Society of Jesus. This society was known for establishing the city of Cartagena and founding the first collegiate institution during the colonial period.
Those these other Christian religions made significant progress, Catholicism still intertwined itself deeply with the educational system. Unlike other countries who have prohibited rel...

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...ombia, the number of Catholics have seen a considerably slower decrease than other Latin American Countries. Their Catholic population has dropped by closer to thirteen percent over the past forty-five years.
In the end, it is evident that the Roman Catholic religion is an essential piece of Colombia history despite its recent decline. From the beginning Catholicism has been heavily involved in education, establishing some of the first collegiate institutions. Although their current constitution declares the country as having freedom of religion, the Catholic church still maintains an esteemed position in society and the government. Finally, while there has been a recent drop in the number of Catholics in Colombia, it is at a much smaller rate than the decline as Latin America as a whole. Colombia’s roots are deeply intertwined with Catholicism and the country

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