The Impact Of Consumer Products On The Environment

779 Words2 Pages

Ngoc G. Nguyen
Writing 5
Do you need to buy something? Do you use all of the items that you bought? Nowadays, most people try to shop more and more while they do not need more. Because there are many kinds and many qualities of products with low prices, that continuously increases consumer demand. I see when most people go shopping at the mall; they buy many things, such as clothes, toys, video games, even fast-food, all of which creates a lot of waste. Although the consumer products are generally convenient and useful, they have negative effects on the environmental: pollution and environmental degradation, but the problems can be solved by recycling products, composting food wastes, and saving energy.
Consumer products are not always as good as a friend to the environment as it seems. First of all, pollution is one of the impacts of consumer products on the environment. Today, most people try to go shopping online. They think that they do not need to drive, and the business do not need to build their stores, so there will be less pollution. In truth, when they buy their products on the Internet and want to express delivery , the products have to be sent by airplanes. Then, airplanes use much more fuel than cars and there are also bad for air quality. In addition, the consumer …show more content…

Like recycling, it recycles the leftover food to reduce trash on the environment. It has many benefits for the environment. In my hometown, they use leftover food to make fertilizer for a plant reduce the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers that remove pollution from land. Compost serve to fertilize the soil to foster the growth of plants. Also, composting food waste help sandy soil retain water and nutrients. They grow vegetables, rice and trees by organic fertilizer that create a lot of nutrients from bacteria. The trees also help develop the environment and help to clear the

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