The word ‘multimedia’ comes from media, which is the plural of medium. Multimedia is a rather ambiguous term, used to refer to multiple forms of content. This essay will cover only some of the forms that multimedia covers, like video games, music, and movies/videos, as well as discussing how the means of accessing these forms affect people’s personality development. In a world filled with cellphones, computers, and televisions, where people have such convenient access to any form of media, there is no doubt that these technological devices can have a big impact on one’s personality. Humans, by nature, have no genetic traits designated to deal with multimedia, since most, if not all of multimedia is human-made and not a product of nature. Therefore, …show more content…
Other interactive forms of multimedia, like video games, have gained increasing attention due to many recent catastrophic events (such as public shootings), and thus have generated a lot of research on its effect on shaping human behavior. Many people argue that violent video games promote aggressive conduct. However, current research on this topic varies, meaning that some support the idea, and some do not. Psychologists Patrick and Charlotte Markley (2010) found that people with “high neuroticism, low agreeableness, and low conscientiousness” are more prone to demonstrate aggressiveness after playing violent video games, than people who lack these traits. On the contrary, a study conducted by Anthony Bean and Gary Groth-Marnat (2014) on how World of Warcraft (one of the most played video games in the world) affects people’s personality, suggests otherwise. They determined that violent video games have no impact on the average player. On another note, they found a correlation between extraverted people and extraverted-related decisions in the game, suggesting that personality does indeed affect the way people play video games. As the years pass and video games become more advanced and sophisticated, people are becoming more attached to them. It is estimated by the Entertainment Software Association (2012) that approximately half of U.S. houses have a video game console. How can …show more content…
While individual characteristics seem to be determinant of music choice, movies and videos impact one’s personality similar to how video games do. They often provide a visible, inspiring reality that can make an individual change its point of view. Although music can provide a new outlook that can change one’s mind, movies can motivate people to change their whole life. Television is the main method of watching movies, and research shows that personality does influence television genre choice. Jae Woong Shim and Bryant Paul (2007) conducted a study where they found that neuroticism was highly decisive for attention of television genres. Since people with high neuroticism are usually emotionally unstable and lack social adjustment, they resort to watching soap operas, reality shows, and talk shows. One reason why movies are so influential to people is because the actors who partake in the movies are usually seen as role-models. The film industry has created an atmosphere of increased pursuit for superiority in which the viewer most often is influenced just by the actor that plays the movie, instead of the movie itself. The actor’s actions serve as a type of peer-pressure, where people think and act a certain way just because their role model
In today’s society, highly addicting video games involving strong violence and language, explicit sexuality and crime often lead to inappropriate behaviors. Role playing games or RPGs allow us to step into a virtual world, cutting ourselves off from worldly distractions. Nowadays, the age range for people who play these extremely graphic games are anywhere from six to eighteen and are surprisingly hazardous to young children’s health. A study gave a group of players playing a violent video game the chance to blast a painful sound into their opponent's ear in order to get the upper advantage. They also gave another group playing non violent games, the same opportunity. The study showed that overall the gamers playing violent video games were more prone to inflict more pain on their enemies, unlike the other group who inflicted considerably less pain. Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D who did this study agrees, “violent video games desensitize players to violence, and makes them more violent in real life" (McGonigal). Young adults are exposed to these terrifying images, harming their mental health. In recent events, a young eight year old boy shot his grandmother after playing Grand Theft Auto. This game is the epitome of why young people should not be playing these games. It is comprised of murder, drug and alcohol abuse, criminal behavior, violence and general disrespect for women, and foul language. In summary, young people should not be playing these games in order to save their mental health. Furthermore, television contributes to desensitizing society with it’s ...
The argument that the web is to blame for making us dumb by Nicholas Carr convinces his audience that they might succumb to becoming braindead due to excessive online clicking. Hopping from link to link never fully understanding the content. While Michael Rosenwald points out that we are slowly molding the brain to only skim and search for key words to put together. With these two programed ways our brains work soon libraries and book stores will cease to exist. Or will they? Clay Shirky challenges this thought by saying that among the cat videos and conspiracy theories there lies true gold within the websites of the internet. The gold consists of scientific journals and a place to discuss anything and everything. A community to share ideas and culture. Has the internet changed your brain for the
The allegation that videogames cause violent behavior in children has been present as long as videogames themselves. Some researchers said that the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was one intense gamer. “Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech Shooter was seen by his roomates as odd because he never joined them in video games.”(Beresin) This debate will continue to go on in this country as long as there are horrific crimes that occur. There is much written in the research regarding this issue, and many differing views. The research that is presented in the next few paragraphs supports the theory that it is not the graphic video games that produce aggressive behavior, but other factors in a child’s life that create violent actions.
Although the Internet has increased how much we read, it has deteriorated our concentration level. We are no longer able to read long passages and stay interested. We have resorted to skimming or finding a shorter version. It has also affected our ability to take an analytical approach to what we read. We no longer go beyond comprehending the information we take in. Outside of using the Internet to “enhance” our mind, Carr has also made the point that it is a daily involvement. We incorporate it in our everyday lives, because it is a source of entertainment or serves as some type of convenience for us.
One would be hard-pressed to find a household without any video gaming devices. In fact, over eighty percent of American households some sort of gaming device. On top of all that, violent video games have surged in popularity, occupying over 50% of the 30 top video games sold in 2015 (Kain). In light of recent mass shootings, video games are routinely accused as the culprit that influences one to violence. Researchers all over the world have tried to establish a causal relationship between video games and violence. Some researchers have come to the conclusion that video games, specifically violent ones, spark aggression. However, other researchers have come up with the opposite conclusion, that the studies that portray video games as detrimental
“Contrary to the claims that violent video games are linked to aggressive assaults and homicides, no evidence was found to suggest that this medium was a major (or minor) contributing cause of violence in the United States.” (Markey, 290)
Have you ever wondered if violent video games can cause aggression in children? Thousands of children all over the world engage in violent video games for a large amount of time during their day. According to 60% of middle school boys and 40% of middle school girls who played at least one Mature-rated (M-rated) game hit or beat up someone, compared with 39% of boys and 14% of girls who did not play M-rated games. I will be using naturalistic and case study research methods to determine if violent video games cause aggression in children.
The purpose of the article, “The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life violence”, written by Nicholas L.Carnagey, Craig A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman is to show the effect that video games has on physiological desensitization. Psychological Desensitization is defined as the diminished emotional responsiveness to a negative, aversive or positive stimulus after repeated exposure to it. In other words the purpose of the article was to experiment whether or not people who played violent games were able to still be aware of the violence happening around them. The authors set up this study by having the participants report their media habits and then having them play one of eight violent or nonviolent games for a small period of time. Then the participants
Adams, Jill U. Effects of Violent Video Games. The Los Angeles Times. May 3, 2010.
The Internet has created a generation of the most efficient multi-taskers ever born. Many people will have at least four tabs open as a time (Google, Facebook, Youtube, Pandora, Wikipedia, Gmail, etc.). People are constantly jumping from one web page to the next, clicking on links and opening new tabs and browsers. The method through which knowledge is gained has transitioned from deep reading to fast skimming. Every time a web page is opened the viewer is bombarded with information, almost every page has advertisements or links to additional information lining its sides. The Internet has made mountains of information available to almost anyone. It is fast and easy to find information and facts. Essentially the Internet has become the fast food of knowledge. It is convenient but it skips the element of effort.
This is also related to the idea of resonance, which also explains why women and young girls internalize media images. These idea says that viewers’ life experiences affect their perceptions of television. So, if an individual’s life experiences are similar to the media content that they are viewing, the m...
In an era where all of the world’s information is readily available at our fingertips, it is difficult to imagine what life was like before the Internet. Today. people get anxiety attacks at the thought of a slow wireless connection. God forbid a webpage takes five minutes to load; we are left with rage and disappointment. Is the Internet making people stupid? Despite the fact that research on the detrimental effects of the Internet is still young, there is no doubt that the Internet is changing the way one thinks, but it is not necessarily making one “dumber.” What it is doing, however, is bringing to light some bad habits that are affecting the way we process information. The Internet is making us lazy and unable to memorize information.
Today, our society has access to mankind’s collective knowledge with the internet. Constantly updated, the internet keeps everyone in the loop. If there is a traffic jam, Google Maps will notify you. If there is a new movie release, Fandango will ask to reserve tickets for you. If there is a limited-time sale, Amazon will email you. Information constantly bombards us. The internet moves fast, and we must try to keep up to stay in
The Internet’s influence on our lives has spread throughout. According a 2009 US Census survey 74% of Americans use the internet and have access within their household.A number that has increased every year since 1990 and will sure grow in the future. In this survey they relieved that they did various activities on the internet including social media, (Facebook and Twitter) researching and reading news articles, watching YouTube videos, shopping and so much more all can be done with a computer or Internet enabled phone. With this ease of use and convenience it casts a shadow upon the future of printed and broadcast information. The Web’s instant and vast knowledge bank has changed ...
Social Scientists say that the average American watches too much television and plays too many video games. I would agree with this, because in high school that is all I did, but not so much for me anymore. Back when I was in high school that is all I did. Watch television, play Nintendo, hang out with my friends. However, now that I am in college, I have had to change my ways. It helps a lot that I don't have either one of those in my dorms.