The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins: Literary Analysis

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Arifin, Moh, and Fabiola D. Kurnia. "Social Class and Class Struggle in Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games." (2015). Web. 16 Nov. 2016 Arifin and Fabiola argue in their article that social division is a battle in our society even today. The author’s then compare the book called The Hunger Games to our society’s classes such as the Capital being the wealthy and District 12 being the poor. They also bring in Karl Marx’s theory of Marxism or capitalism, which creates class struggle and the division between the classes. This ties into my question perfectly by using The Hunger Games as a reference to Marxism and social classes in society.
“Marx believed that workers would collectively develop class consciousness from their experience of the contradiction inherent within capitalist relations of production, i.e. the division of labor which is organized around production…We can see class consciousness in Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games when Katniss began to realize about who she was and her position in the social structure in Panem.”
“The class struggle has a very real existence in modern society. By means …show more content…

All working-class and poor children and families need to be front and center in our conversations around class marginalization and oppression and class power including White children, African American children, Latino children, Asian children, Native American children, and all those who traverse these racial and ethnic borders that are more fluid than

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