The Holocaust: The Cause Of The Sobibor Uprising

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Most Jewish armed resistance took place after 1942, as a desperate effort, after it became clear to the those who resisted that Nazis had murdered most of their families and friends. Many Jews were put through difficulties and obstacles and still participated in armed Resistance. Jewish resistance operated I France, Belgium, the Ukraine, Belorussia, Lithuania and Poland (“Armed”).
The self defense of the war was carried out on three levels, armed uprisings in ghettos and camps, the smuggling of Jews from towns and ghettos to the Forrest for partisans warfare, and hiding by individuals and rescue efforts (“Combat”). Rebellions also took place in the death camps, in the summer of 1943, 3 group of prisoners,700 Jews were put to work, burning bodies and sorting the killed victims belongings, took over armory and were successful in blowing up the camp of Treblinka. All but 150-200 Jews perished and over 20 Germans, only 12 survived the war(“Jewish”) A group of prisoners were also successful in blowing up one of the crematoria in Auschwitz (“Combat”). There was also the Sobibor Uprising, the Sobibor was one of the first death camps set up with a purpose of murdering almost every Jew who was sent to it, the Nazis made the mistake of transporting hundreds of Soviet POW’s to the camp for labor, …show more content…

This type of resistance still had a major effect and helped jewish believe they could survive. This type is more of the synagogue services that occurred regulatory even though praying was against the rules. They also had the underground newspaper that were printed and given out even though it was a great risk. There was also many poets, artists, and writers that wrote the truth and drew things in much detail and truth even though it wasn’t always the safest choice

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