The Hitchhiker Worksheet

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In the short stories, the Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl and Fresh Bait by Sheryl Clark, both authors entertain us by exploring the relationship that develops between a driver and his passenger. Through the use of their characters experiences, their purpose and audiences, language features and narrative structure, both writers have made us think about how we judge others, often based on their appearances and actions. In the short story The Hitchhiker, there is a relationship that develops between a fingersmith and a writer. At the start of the short story, the driver picks up a man because when he used to be a hitchhiker he hated people driving past pretending that they could not see him. ‘But the cars that did pull over, would be crammed full …show more content…

We can understand that this short story is set in England, since at the beginning the hitchhiker said- ‘Going to London Guv'nor?’ And you usually only say Guv’nor in England. This short story is written for teenager and young adult, because during this short story the driver said ‘Do you have a girlfriend’ and teenagers occasionally ask those questions. The reason Dahl targeted a teenager audience is because teenagers can understand the language and know what a hitchhiker is. The purpose of Fresh Bait is different to The Hitchhiker because one is trying to find a killer and one was about a Fingersmith. In Fresh Bait they talked about a girl that had been killed and the man knew exactly what she was wearing, because he described her as ‘Long dark hair, blue sweatshirt, jeans and white runners. She couldn't wait to hop out of his car. In The Hitchhiker two men became friends, because the hitchhiker said “You’re a fantastic fellow” at the end of the story. The driver also said “You're brilliant”. In my opinion The Hitchhiker was better than Fresh Bait, because Fresh Bait was creepy, and The Hitchhiker had some funny moments in

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