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Smallpox history research paper
Eradication of smallpox history
Smallpox history research paper
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Back in the ancient’s time during the pre-historic era as far as 1000 AD this disease was not very much known to people but have said to be found on an Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses V mummy who died in 1157BC (Henderson, Fenner, Arita, Ladnyi, 1988 p 209-210). There was evidence of pustule eruption and rash that have been seen on the mummy similar to the description of a variola virus. Part of the idea of where this disease came from is unknown and where the origin of this disease is very much not clear. This disease that is known to be contagious and deadly at times is called smallpox. The early civilization had believed smallpox was originated from Africa and soon had spread though out the world like China and India (Fenn, 2003).
Smallpox is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is cause by a Variola virus, a member of the orthopox virus family, the variola virus also known as the variola major is the most common severe clinical form of smallpox that is known to give an extensive rash and high fever. The forms of this disease consist of 30 % fatality rate (CDC, 2003: smallpox). There are known to be four types of variola major of small pox, from the very common one to the fatal. These four types are ordinary, which is the very common one and create a discrete rash, modified (mild) and sometimes can be confused with chickenpox, Flat and Hemorrhagic which is rare and very severe to the human population which cause internal bleeding in the skin, unlike the other types of variola major, this type tend to make people have a smooth skin and mainly happens to adult. Another clinical form of smallpox is variola minor, less common and less severe with only 1% of historical death (CDC, 2003: smallpox). The word pox in smallpox...
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...in tact by the 1900 34% of all children had been vaccinated. Britain soon discontinued the idea of the vaccination because there became less people who got infected with smallpox. It was a difficult process to take on the various act of vaccination because the increase of health measure to help control smallpox. By the 20th century a milder smallpox, called variola minor had enter in Britain but only causing about 1% of deaths. In 1973 there was said to be an out break from the laboratory killing two people. Soon the World Health Organization mount a campaign in 1967 when there was about 10-15 million cases yearly and to eradicate smallpox globally (Baxby, 1999). Smallpox was a way to be eliminated from the world and people who have been vaccinated and immune to the disease. The strategy to this method had eradicated smallpox causing the disease to be kept away.
The Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston is an intriguing book that discusses the anthrax terrorist attacks after 9/11 and how smallpox might become a future bioterrorist threat to the world. The book provides a brief history of the smallpox disease including details of an outbreak in Germany in 1970. The disease was eradicated in 1979 due to the World Health Organization’s aggressive vaccine program. After the virus was no longer a treat the World Health Organization discontinued recommending the smallpox vaccination. In conjunction, inventory of the vaccine was decreased to save money. The virus was locked up in two labs, one in the United States and one in Russia. However, some feel the smallpox virus exists elsewhere. Dr. Peter Jahrling and a team of scientists at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Maryland became concerned terrorists had access to the smallpox virus and planed to alter the strain to become more resistant. These doctors conducted smallpox experiments to discover more effective vaccines in case the virus were released. Preparedness for a major epidemic is discussed as well as the ease with which smallpox can be bioengineered.
In closing, the variola virus affected a great amount in that era including, military strategy, trade, and native populations. Elizabeth A. Fenn’s book Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82 sheds light on a significant aspect of that era that had not been given proper credence beforehand. She also illuminated the effect of smallpox when it came to race and social status. With regard to race, smallpox decimated much of the non European populations partly because of their lack of an innate immunity to that virus and Europeans lack of regard for those of a different race. Fenn’s argument on social status showed how the poorer strata’s of society suffered more severely from the variola virus because of their lack of finances to get inoculated; thus, the poor often suffered a worse strain of the virus which often lead to death.
A different perspective on a smallpox epidemic during the French and Indian War appears in Andrew J. Blackbird's History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan. Blackbird, Chief Mack-e-te-be-nessy, was a member of a distinguished Ottawa family from the northwest shore of the Michigan lower peninsula. He wrote his History late in life, after a long career in education, politics, and public service.
You woke up a week ago feeling odd. You were not sure what was wrong, but your body was full of aches, you felt hot to the touch, and you kept vomiting. Your mother told you to lay down and rest, hoping it was just a cold. After a few days, you began to feel better, well enough that you wanted to return to the river to watch the trade ships come in. Now, unfortunately, your symptoms have come back with a vengeance – your fever is back along with intense abdominal pain, your mouth is bleeding without being wounded, and every time you vomit, it appears black in color. Also, when you look in the mirror, your skin has changed from the sun-kissed color you have always been to a dull yellow hue. The doctor comes in to examine you; he makes many “tsk tsk” noises and hurries out of the room with a cloth over his face. The doctor mumbles to your mother that he believes you have Yellow Jack and there is nothing more he can do, you are going to die. Your mother weeps uncontrollably yet you cannot react because another horrendous pain in your head has doubled you over. Soon, as you stop shaking and begin to relax, the sounds of the doctor and your mother become white noise and your surroundings begin to dull until you prove the doctor right; another person fell victim to the infectious Yellow Fever virus.
One similarity between smallpox and the black death was that they both established new trade with countries they had rarely traded with before. With smallpox, the Americas were faced with a labour shortage due to the amount of people smallpox had killed. The labour was needed to work in silver mines and sugar plantations.To fill the shortage of labour, slaves were traded from the Guinea Coast, somewhere there was not much trade in before, but now was a bustling center of trade due to the demand for slaves. Similarly, during the black death, there was a shortage of people because of the shrunken population. There were less people buying wool, wine, and cheese, so merchants from Europe sook out customers in different areas. Some such areas were
Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth century a disease dominated the world killing one in three people who caught it, smallpox. The few that survived the disease were left with very disfigured bodies and weak immune systems. In modern days this disease seems very unusual and hard to catch; it is all because of one man, Edward Jenner.
Orthopoxvirus variola is the virus responsible for the well-known smallpox disease. It belongs to the Poxviridae family which is further split into the subfamilies Entomopoxivirinae which only affects insects, and Chordopoxivirinae which infects vertebrae (Hughes). It is in group one of the Baltimore Classification since it possesses double-stranded DNA. This group also includes viruses in the Herpesviridae family, certain bacteriophages, as well as the mimivirus. The linear genome consists of approximately 186 kb pair and, like all orthopoxviruses, is about 200 nm in diameter (Li; Riedel). Virus particles may be enveloped, but the majority will be nonenveloped when released from a lysed cell, ready and capable to affect another. Extracellular enveloped viruses evolve from their precursors intracellular enveloped virus and cell-associated enveloped virus and contain proteins that aid the virus in neutralizing host cell antibodies to enhance virus spread (Smith). Entrance into the host cell may be accomplished by fusion of endocytosis, contingent on the particular strain. Host cell cytoplasm is the site of poxvirus replication, therefore host nuclear enzymes are unavailable to the virus; to overcome this, DNA-dependent RNA polymerase enters the host with the virus (Hughes).
Smallpox did not play favorites when it came to choosing a victim. Whether it was a young child, or a older person, smallpox destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands over a period of eight years in the colonies. Fenn did a great job in my opinion of describing just how bad this disease was and painted a horrific picture in explaining what people went through when dealing with the disease. Even as the author started her introduction into the book she explains that Viariola (smallpox) blinded, scarred, maimed and killed many of its victims. It is hard to even try and imagine what these individuals went through when dealing with smallpox. However, one thing is according the author they did not let the virus destroy them. They fought back with every fiber in their bodies to understand and illuminate this dreaded foe.
In order to understand the history of smallpox one first has to understand how diseases like it evolve. Much like other species, diseases that survive in the long run are the microbes that most effectively reproduce and are able to find suitable places to live. For a microbe to effectively reproduce, it must "be defined mathematically as the number of new infected per each original patient." This number will largely depend on how long each victim is able to spread the virus to other victims (Diamond, 198).
Smallpox has been believed to be a prominent killer for thousands of years. Before 900 AD smallpox and measles were easily interchangeable to many physicians. These two diseases possessed similar symptoms, such as fevers and rashes, making it very difficult to distinguish between them. It was not until the Persian physician, Rhazes Ar-Raz Abmiz, that measles and smallpox were able to be clinically distinguished in 900 AD. Much later in 1751, Thomas Sydenham found further differentiating characteristics between the two diseases(Aufderheide, 202). Through the years, with its many outbreaks in varying areas across the planet, smallpox claimed millions of victims. Many rulers and soldiers were killed by this incredibly infectious disease. To prevent and hopefully stop the increasing numbers of deaths due to smallpox, many physicians slaved away to invent and find a cure for this disease. The first effective method of prevention was called variolation. Variolation was later modified and improved with vaccinations(Hopkins, 15). Today wild smallpox is no longer a risk. The last natural case of smallpox was reported in Somalia in 1977. While the last reported death due to smallpox was reported to be a year later in the UK(McNeil, 165). Smallpox is not completely out of the picture. After the 2001 attacks with anthrax, a strong paranoia of smallpox being used as another possible mean of bioterrorism has arisen(Oldstone, 32).
From 166 A.D. to 180 A.D., The Antonine Plague spread around Europe devastating many countries. This epidemic killed thousands per day and is also known as the modern-day name Smallpox. It is known as one of deadliest plagues around the world.
By preserving the virus, Boylston personally inoculated 247 people in 1721 and 1722 to prevent transmission. However, from there only six people died, and Boylston was the first American surgeon to inoculate his patients personally. The author portrays the background data Boylston used to examine the inoculation practice on different age and gender of persons to treat his patients from previous experiments. The inoculation method provided higher level of immunity in preventing smallpox infection. The prevention of smallpox is through inducing antibodies through vaccines which last longer for a person taking it.
During one of his earlier apprenticeships, Jenner noticed milkmaids with a disease called cowpox. Cowpox is a close relative to smallpox and is only mild in humans. Pustules appear on the hands and a basic cold is also brought on. At Jenner’s young age he was able to link these two viruses together and come up with a theory for immunization. In 1796, while still attending medical school, Jenner decided to test this theory between smallpox and cowpox. He used a dairymaid, who was a patient of his named Sarah Nelms, who had contracted cowpox and had ripe pustules on her hands. Jenner realized this was his opportunity to test someone who had not contracted smallpox yet. He picked an eight-year old boy named James Phipps to use as his test subject. He scraped open a spot of James' arm and rubbed in a dissected piece of Sarah Nelms pustule into the open wound. A couple days later James became ill with cowpox but was well again within a week. This test proved that cowpox could be spread between humans as well as cows. Jenner's next test would be if the cowpox virus gave James immunity against smallpox. On July 1st of 1796, Edward Jenner obtained an infected smallpox pustule and scratched the virus filled pus into James' arm. This technique of placing a virus into a patient is called variolation. James Phipps did not develop smallpox within the
Edward was a soldier during the civil war who was hospitalized for two months because he got smallpox. Smallpox is a contagious disease which usually leaves permanent scars on the body. Saliva is a big factor in the spread of smallpox, usually is passed during coughs and sneezes. Before a soldier got smallpox they would usually get a fever or a headache. Other symptoms include severe back pain or the soldiers would just get very tired. Smallpox was cured during the Civil war by giving the ill small portions of food and all of their food was mixed with milk. It took 2-4 for the smallpox to bubbles from the body. The disease would give the body bubbles of puss all around. Because of the lack of education during the 1860’s the doctors took the pus from someone who was infected with smallpox and they would give it to people who didn't have pus coming out of their wounds.
There are two clinical forms of smallpox: Variola major and minor. Variola major is the most common and severe form. There are four types of Variola minor: Ordinary, modified, malignant, and hemorrhagic. Ordinary is the most common form, and its case-fatality rate is near 30%. Modified is a milder form and smallpox is rarely fatal in this case. Malignant smallpox’s fatality rate, however, is near 97%, and Hemorrhagic is roughly at 100%. Variola minor is less common and less severe than its counterpart. However, if a person survives this form, they have lifelong immunity against...