Smallpox During The Civil War Essay

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Edward was a soldier during the civil war who was hospitalized for two months because he got smallpox. Smallpox is a contagious disease which usually leaves permanent scars on the body. Saliva is a big factor in the spread of smallpox, usually is passed during coughs and sneezes. Before a soldier got smallpox they would usually get a fever or a headache. Other symptoms include severe back pain or the soldiers would just get very tired. Smallpox was cured during the Civil war by giving the ill small portions of food and all of their food was mixed with milk. It took 2-4 for the smallpox to bubbles from the body. The disease would give the body bubbles of puss all around. Because of the lack of education during the 1860’s the doctors took the pus from someone who was infected with smallpox and they would give it to people who didn't have pus coming out of their wounds. Since during the civil war times the education about medical tools and medicine, the doctors would often use the same tools continuously on many of the wounded soldiers. This would spread the disease more than they already were. Also the soldiers were not so hygienic themselves, neither were the doctors. The soldiers would not shower daily and the doctors would not clean …show more content…

It had the nickname of “Camp Fever.” When several bacteria would mix, it would cause typhoid fever. Some of the symptoms were, high fever or intense headaches. Other symptoms were intense rash and delirium. Delirium is when your mind isn't in the right mindset and your words don't come out quite right. In order to cure this disease the doctors would give the patient analgesics which was a pain reliever and they would put the patient on a special diet. However other physicians would give patients medicine that gave poisoning from mercury. This happened because the physicians were not educated in medicine well enough to give the correct

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