The Growth And Growth Of Samsung Electronics Company

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Samsung Electronics Company has had a great year on the books in 2013. At the same time, it is not yet their time for celebration. There is still room to grow and even more room for failure and change in the future. Samsung needs to continue to diversify and stay one step ahead of its competitors. They have done a great job in the previous quarters following market trends and giving the consumers what they want and more.
In its second quarter of 2013’s fiscal year, Samsung Electronics Company experienced profit decline even though it is growing to be considered as one of the world’s biggest mobile phone and Television manufacturers. For this particular quarter Samsung Generated a total operating profit of $8.4 billion. The reason for Samsung’s dramatic growth is in part due to the success of its smartphone division and the recent market trends matching with their strategy. Samsung followed the market trend for smartphones efficiently and diligently, executed all the right actions. Their Galaxy series is in line to replace Nokia’s Top smart phones which will escalate them to be one of the biggest and best phone makers in the world. It is reported that 95% of their profit come from their Android smartphone division, which means that it is their major profit core. In the third quarter of 2013, Samsung generated $9.4 billion in profit. However concerns have arisen that Samsung’s growth rates are beginning to slow down. In an article that BCC News released, it was stated that “Samsung shares fell 3.8% after the profit guidance.” Also “its shares have dropped more than 15% since early June, after a various brokerages downgraded their outlook for the firm.”
The research firm Analytics states that Samsung earned for almost 95% of the A...

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...ung’s market shares and will be critical hit to the Samsung.
In conclusion, the top present and future problems Samsung faces includes competition problems, both domestic and in international markets. Samsung has to constantly keep thriving to keep its position at the least if not grow. Shrinking margins, Competition in this market can be drastically affected by price and there is always a fight to try and keep product prices at an optimal and desired amount by the consumer while still trying to lower production prices even more. Lastly but one of the most important problems that Samsung faces is Innovation and exploration into new products and markets. Samsung needs to be ahead of the market or in new markets. Expansion and growth is necessary to survival. This brand has made a name for itself y being a huge risk takes and its sales and profits can easily prove it.

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