The Greatest Automobile Inventor Essay

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The Greatest Automobile Inventor
Imagine that you are not that rich or not very poor. The very next day you are driving off the lot with a brand new Model T by Henry Ford. The car that is affordable for everyone to buy and it being safe to drive everyday and everywhere. Henry Ford led to the best car manufacturer in the world. The world knows this company because of how Henry Ford got his company to where it is now, how it is a unique company, and it rebounded time and time again. Ford was and is the greatest car company. It is here to stay.
One major reason why his company got to where it is now is because of the assembly line. This all began when Henry was working as an engineer that gave him time after work to go home and work on his gasoline engines. Ford was so dedicated to creating a vehicle that was affordable and safe to drive for everyone to own. When Ford got his business running he was always thinking of better ways to improve his business. Finally he thought of one way to improve it and used the idea of the assembly line, and he was the first one to have the assembly line functioning in this type of work. Henry got the assembly line running as he thought it would. In return to having that running properly Ford was able to drop the prices of the Model T and also able to produce more at a time to maximize his profits. Henry’s company was also the greatest because of the way he treated his workers.
Henry had raised the pay that he gave his workers. Also, he treated them with respect and helped them with what they needed help with like health insurance. Henry thought for sure that if he raised the pay of the workers, it would make them and the family happier. In return of that, he assumed that since t...

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...other manufacturers to copy his work and put all the safety and performance parts on their vehicles also. Henry’s labor for the worker has turned over to forty to sixty percent in his company, therefor in return the company’s workers has gotten a bigger turn out because of more pay.
Ford is the greatest car company because Henry Ford was an interesting and unique mogul because of these interesting facts. Since Ford has been working for Detroit Automobile Company for a long time he has decided to leave that company and start making his own racing cars. When Henry left he has taken with him nine hundred dollars and schematics for a planned racer. The materials that the frame was built of was ash wood, reinforced with steel plates, the wheelbase is ninety six inches round. This race car that Henry Ford created was about about two thousand and two hundred pounds

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