The Great Gatsby Eulogy For Father

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My dearest son Nick, It has been too long since you have heard from me, the most caring mother out there. I can’t help myself but be here for you, whether you think you need a wise mothers words or not. Infact, a mother knows what's best for her child, that is just a fact. Now, I know how much you enjoy being independent, as you are this gifted writer so, all I am asking is for you to just read and take into consideration of my thoughts for what is best for you. I am so proud of all of your hard work and this big spontaneous move, New York! I know you have many dilemmas in your life right now, that I have heard spiraling all around you in different directions. Your cousin Daisy, wrote to me and filled me in on so much I had never heard about. I felt like I didn't even know you with all the things she was saying and the hard paths you must be going through right now. Seeing you mentioned in different articles did not help your case either. I don't want to seem like a wacky helicopter mom, just know I love you so profoundly. let me first go over all the predicaments you're in so we can make a plan. Besides, acceptance is the first key to recovery! …show more content…

You being in the jiffs of it all makes it more of a confusing square for that matter. Holy moly! I think I must have seen this in twenty articles! This proving, there are lots of issues to take on here. I heard that Daisy’s Husband, Tom is having an affair with another woman. Wow. This is a challenging matter whether to stay out of it or help your cousin Daisy. All while Daisy and Gatsby have long lost history. Gatsby is a new friend of yours. I believe one to whom you are so curious about. While on the other hand Daisy is family. It will be impossible to keep both of their feelings in place. Someone will have to be hurt. But what if everyone somehow met in the middle. And should you even get involved? Ill explain,

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