The Grasshopper And The Bell Cricket

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The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket, written by Yasunari Kawabata, is a visual literary piece. This short story uses many symbols and subtle messages to convey the theme of life, hope, and innocent love. Some of the symbols that supports the overall theme are the grasshopper and the bell cricket, the handmade and the store-bought lanterns in a variety of colors, and the scene where Fujio tried to get Kiyoko’s attention. Although it is seen through the images of varicolored lanterns and in the insect hunting, the theme is clearer in the last three paragraphs of the story. The use of a narrator to relay the observation on the children also aided in the build-up to the theme. All these visual imageries throughout the short story were not only …show more content…

. . the children made new lanterns out of their hearts and minds” (378). The visual image of children earnestly making lanterns symbolizes the innocence and purity in which is lost among adults. The statement about the children making hand-made lanterns every day also symbolizes that beauty is perishable. External beauty may never last forever; it is always changing. This statement also represents that life is ever changing. Events and circumstances may cause life to change, and we often grow from these experiences. The theme of innocence and purity is also found when Fujio purposely waited for Kiyoko to ask for the “grasshopper” he caught. The innocent love formed between these two children, Fujio and Kiyoko, is reflected. The author uses this scene to show the readers that best thing in life comes from the purity and hope that is found in everyday life. Fujio was hoping that Kiyoko would want his “grasshopper”. The image painted when the author describes the group of children on an insect chase with varicolored lanterns implied and symbolized that there are people of different personalities. The crimson, pink, indigo, green, purple, and yellow lanterns and the five-colored lantern all symbolizes the attributes found in life. The crimson-colored lanterns may represent the intense emotions that we have in life while the pink lanterns may signify gentle emotions. The five-colored lantern shows a well-rounded person. The lantern’s colors also symbolizes that life is not a one-way street or

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