The Golden Mean in Anatomy

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The Golden Mean in Anatomy The Golden Mean is a mysterious number that has been found in plants, humans, art and even architecture. It was first discovered and studied by ancient mathematicians in Egypt a very long time ago. In the study of mathematics one realizes that many patterns often occur. None have been more relevant or fascinating that the golden ratio. The golden ratio has many names and is often referred to as the golden section, golden mean, golden proportion and golden cut. The golden mean has been studied and taught for centuries and is still the most interesting and fascinating things to study. The golden ratio has inspired thinkers like no other component in mathematics. While studying the golden mean it becomes evident just how relevant this number is in the world. Many architects and artists have used this ratio as a scale and proportion sequence. The sequence is also relevant in music, nature and even the human body. Ancient mathematicians were so fascinated in the ratio because of its frequency in geometry. The first person to provide a written definition was Euclid. He stated “A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less” this has been studied thoroughly by many mathematicians but the most relevant was the studies of Leonardo Fibonacci. Fibonacci is famous for the work he put in to come up with the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence was introduced as a problem involving population growth based on assumptions. Fibonacci got the idea from early Indian and Arabian Mathematics. He grew the theory and introduced it to the western world. The sequence is explained by starting at 1, 2 then adding the two t... ... middle of paper ... ...d the word of God that is written in the Bible but with this information it is possible for a Christian to look to mathematics in the justification of faith. The Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth and it goes on to talk about how God created man in his own image. His own perfect image, these mathematical perfections in the world is not just random occurrences. There has to be a reason or significant creator behind these findings. In science it is proven that everything must be acted on to act. If this is true then there must be an acting force or something that created it all in the beginning. It is amazing to see how mathematics has such an influence on the world and the evidence it creates. The world is affected by numbers and mathematics all the time and this mysterious number known as the golden number has proven to be the center of everything.

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