The Girl With All The Gift Analysis

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The Girl With All The Gifts by M.R. Carey tells the story of a young girl Melanie, a hungry(zombie-like human) whose life consists of tests, procedures, and restraints, only to find that after an attack on the army base of the harsh agendas of people like Dr. Caldwell whose motives are unwaveringly cruel. In the story, a fungi known as Ophiocordyceps crippled humanity by destroying all high thinking and turning ordinary people into cannibalistic monsters. However, the offspring of that generation were born differently, as they retained ordinary intelligence and could control their cannibalistic nature. From this, Dr. Caldwell wished to dissect their brains to hopefully formulate a cure for the disease. However, she runs into conflict with a teacher Miss …show more content…

But the information that we’re hoping to gain justifies that risk. It justifies anything” which to her, describes the children as no longer human but a puppet for the fungi growing inside them. In turn, Miss Justineau, Melanie’s favorite teacher, refuses to accept that any reason could justify the slaughtering of innocent children, displayed in the quote “Pretending not to see, she believes, takes her past some point of no return, past the event horizon of hypocrisy into a black hole of solipsism.” To simply wave off Caldwell’s actions was a crime worse than murder, and from her standing, no child deserved the fate awaited by entering her office. Melanie was sought by Caldwell for her genius IQ, and even when she tried to dissect her, Miss Justineau ensues in a quarrel with Caldwell, thwarting her plans. From this point on, she began to see the opposite thinking Miss Justineau had, one that was against any immoral actions, no matter how much knowledge is to be

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