The Ghost in the Black Gown- Creative Writing

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It was the year 1972 September 8th. The wind was gushing into my face;

the rain was pelting down on my head. My car had just broken down in

the middle of the woods and there was no kind of help in sight. There

were heavy thunderstorms, and I heard the birds fluttering away. It

was scary looking at the sky. I walked a few yards and I saw in the

distance an eerie looking house. I was hesitant to go to the house for

help but realized there was no other option.

As I walked cautiously towards the house I heard the clock struck one

from inside. I looked up as the moon shone brightly back at me.

Knocking on the door I heard a creaking sound coming from inside. My

heart was beating so fast I thought I would faint at any minute. I saw

a dull sign on the door which read ‘National Woods. In the darkness of

the night the house looked grayish and it had two misty black doors:

one was at the back and one was at the main entrance. It was huge and


Mrs. Brown, the lady of the house opened the door. She looked like she

was in her late 60s. She obviously looked disturbed and angry at my

unexpected knock on the door at this time of the night. I could hear

some sinister noises from the background and I was having second

thoughts, but I quickly introduced myself and explained to her that I

needed to stay for the night as my car had broken down and I had

nowhere else to go. I told her that I would pay her for her


Surprisingly, she agreed and said, “Yes, you can stay for one night. I

am Mrs. Brown.” Relieved, I had a place to stay the night I thanked

her and walked into the house. The floorboards creaked as I followed


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...ted walking towards my room. As

I walked out of the kitchen I heard Mr. Birch call out, “Be careful!”

Up the stairs I went and was walking on the corridor towards my room

when I felt like someone was watching me. At first, I just thought I

was being paranoid and was terrified to look back. It was quite chilly

in the corridor, so I hurried towards my room when I heard a noise

behind me.

I didn’t want to look back but I did! There I saw the ghost just as

Mr. Birch had described: the black gown and the pale face. Our eyes

met and I felt the blood throbbing through my veins. I was so

terrified I just walked back to the room and tried to sleep, all the

time thinking whether I would wake up the next day, and get out of

this house to go back home to my son. I just wish I do!

The question is will she or will she not?

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