Common core has been the program calling all the shots in most school systems in the United States. Since the year 2008, the common core standard testing has been sneaking its way into the school systems. The common core has brought up many different situations within the schools. One situation consists of determining the education level of students by using the same standardized test. Another situation is by requiring teachers to teach to a certain test, even though students do not fully learn what they are being taught. The government should not be able to evaluate students and teachers by one certain test. Attention must be brought up to how common core has changed our education system to the unproductive side, but then explain how our schooling systems can fix the problem that has been made. The common core can be fixed for the best, but the most fulfilling way to fix this problem is to get rid of the program altogether. The best results of students’ education can truly be viewed accurately once the common core is fully out of the school curriculum.
The first problem of the common core started in the beginning. When common core was introduced to schools, some administrators did not have time to think through the pros and cons. This resulted in administrators not considering the best methods and budget distributing for their schools’ benefits. Workers and classrooms were then changed to meet the requirements needed for the common core to take place. Librarians are examples of this because they are losing their jobs due to salary cut backs, having to transfer their jobs to become a teacher to help teach the common core, and some libraries are even being completely shut down for the use of testing areas. The reason for these ev...
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...of taking the common core out of the school systems, this can better prepare students for not just college but also in the future as an adult. Common core also makes it unfair for students to succeed in their education because of the different learning levels of students. Once the teachers relate to the students and their needs of education, students then should not have a problem succeeding in education.
Works Cited
Bushaw, William J., and Shane J. Lopez. "Public Education In The United States: A Nation Divided." Phi Delta Kappan 94.1 (2012): 9-25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
DelGuidice, Margaux and Rose Luna. "Cut To The Core: Better Luck Next Year." Publishers Weekly 261.2 (2014): 22-23. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Traeger, Patricia. "The Negative Effects of Common Core." N.p., 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Because of wide spread discontent with the public school system, many different solutions to reform the mainstream public school system have been brought up in public discourse. Even as early as the 1960s, the Washington Post reported that white middle class parents dissatisfied with the “‘mass production’ approach to...
America’s public school system started off very rough, but through the dedication of many hard-working Americans, it was starting to shape into a system that allowed all children, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nation of origin, to have an education.
Labaree, D. F. (1997). Public goods, Private goods: The American struggle over educational goals. American Educational Research Journal, 34(1), 39-81.
Solley, Bobbie A. “Standardized Testing Has Negatively Impacted Public Schools.” Opposing Viewpoints: Education. Ed. David M. Haugen. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Web. 5 May. 2010.
Webber, Karl. “A Nation Still At Risk.” Waiting for Superman: How We Can Save Save America’s Failing Public Schools. Ed. Carl Weber. New York: PublicAffairs. 2010. 3-10. Print.
Since 2010, there were 45 states that have adopted the same educational standards called Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers and seeks to establish consistent education standards across the states. The Common Core Standards is initiative state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English and Mathematical standards. These standards help to educate all of the students equally, they help children who move from state to state, as well as they help to prepare students for college and workplace. The common core standard helps to provide a clear understanding for teachers and parents of what is expected of the students to learn. It is designed to help educate our children for the future; it gives them the knowledge and skill they need to be prepared for post secondary education and employment. "The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world." (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers)
“To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the Common Core State Standards establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in math and English language arts from kindergarten through 12th grade” (What Parents Should Know, n.d.). Children are entering a world that is requiring more and more than before. Society is changing meaning education must change to keep up with society. “The standards were drafted by experts and teachers from across the country and are designed to ensure students are prepared for today’s entry-level careers, freshman-level college courses, and workforce training programs” (What Parents Should Know, n.d.). The focus is to allow students to think critically and be able to problem solve; skills needed in life. The Common Core State Standards are also providing ways for teachers to track each student’s progress as they grow and learn throughout the year. Common Core has many good qualities, but nothing is perfect. There will always be issues no matter the
Strauss, Valerie. "Eight Problems with Common Core Standards." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 21 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the American educational system has undergone much transition in response to our changing society. Though there have been many problems raised throughout the years in regard to what our school systems should be teaching our children, there have also been many developments.
Common core is not a new method. America has set standards since at least the 1950’s and many schools have since then implemented a curriculum supporting this ideal. These standards in language arts and mathematics are supposed to help the nation prepare students for college and their future careers. The effects of common core, both positive and negative, lead to the debate on whether or not it should still be implemented in schools today, but thanks to federal funding it has made it hard to get rid of the program. It is because of this that the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal has decided to sue the federal government for violating the 10th amendment. Although many can agree that having standardized goals gives both the students and staff
In practice, when done by Washington politicians who know nothing about education, these standards are awful. Common Core boasts terrible standards and forces itself on districts that are failing, which is not really the worst thing since those districts usually cannot get any worse. Districts that are good and preforming above national levels are also subject to the same standards. Common Core is not for everyone. Medicine is not for everyone. At this point, educators and the people that care about students instead of mere test scores should be the ones setting and regulating standards. Teachers that care will get those test scores. Schools that do not meet the standard should be regulated and evaluated, but not the healthy schools that preform above and beyond the national standard. It would be helpful to diagnose the issue instead of pretending that the problem is solved when it is not. The Common Core standards creates more problems than it can even begin to solve and fails to diagnose any real issue. The future is bright for students and that future needs to be protected from Washington politicians at all costs. As a teacher, I will see to it that I not only meet standards, but overcome them and outshine them. Then, perhaps Common Core will leave the district that I teach in alone and reconsider the atrocity that Common Core
High school and college dropout rates are at an all time high. Secondary school students are told throughout high school that if they don’t go to college then they will never be successful. Going to college doesn’t always make a difference because many career choices such as teachers and lawyers are highly contested and result in either no job or low salary. Low pay deters teacher’s motivation and they tend to work part time jobs to supplement their income. Public schools standards are comparable to a kangaroo court’s procedure; private schools are known for better teachers, environment, and test grades. The major problems in the public school system include the lack of funding, lack of resources, and lack of standards.
Eventually, the problem is not with having Common Core, but the matter is with the way how it is done and applied.
College-Ready Education has established shared valued by focus in on challenges in the education fields. I live in the state of Georgia and our education program just introduced the Common Core to our students last year. We have yet received the results and many students such as my own had a difficult time understanding the core. Introducing and learning new skills for both teachers and students can be a difficult time within a school year. Educators working on the Common Core feel this is a great learning experience for students to face the real world when entering college. In the article the main objectives is to support teachers as they go through modernization.
Every student learns differently and needs a different approach. If I am able to implement Common Core Students, and still reach all of my students, I am all for it. I agree that something needs to be done for the students to help them be more successful throughout their school year, and beyond. Students in Alaska sadly have been known to be below other students nationally and Common Core may be just the thing, to give them the needed boost. I have some students who would love to go to a college in the lower 48, but feel they would never be accepted because “Alaska’s kids just are not as smart as them other kids”, as quoted from some of my students. I know it will take time for my students and I to acclimate to the new, but I am going to give Common Core Standards a chance with an