The Frog Princess Book Report

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English Summary Book: The Frog Princess Author: E.D Baker Main characters: Emeralda, (also known as Emma). The princess and heir of the kingdom Greater Greensward; a young witch who has not yet acquired full control over her magic. Eadric- The prince and heir of Upper Montevista: was the frog Emma met in the forest. Grassina- The younger sister of Greater Greenswards’ Queen; as well as the Green witch who protects Greater Greensward from evil wizards, enemy kingdoms, and scary creatures. She is very close with her niece Emma. Chartreuse- The queen of Greater Greensward, as well as Emma’s Mother. She has always had a rocky relationship with her daughter Emma. Li’l Stinker- (also known as Li’l). A bat who was held hostage at a witch cabin. After Emma freed her she decided to stay with her. Fang A snake was also held hostage at a witch's …show more content…

She had enjoyed her life at Greater Greensward as a 14 year old princess, and loved to watch her aunt Grassina the Green Witch do her spells. In fact she was her little witch assistant, and one day want to be just a Green witch just like her. She would help Grassina warn off all the harmful creatures from who knows what places. Being a princess was hard but really fun all at the same time, but she never admired royalty as much as her mother, Chartreuse did. In fact Emma was not really close to her mother as she was with her aunt Grassina. Chartreuse always thought her point of view was always right, and never asked Emma or notified her. She hated having guest especially Prince Jorge. He was the most annoying thing ever and worst off, her mother was thinking of Prince Jorge to be Emma future husband. One day Emma held one of the maids talking about Prince Jorge staying for a tour of the castle, and Emma had to be there. Instead of being there, Emeralda ran off to the nearest forest to hide out till he was

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