'The Four Paths Or Yogis' Of Hinduism

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The Four Paths or ‘Yogis’ of Hinduism.
The four paths of yoga are the Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, karma Yoga and the Raja Yoga. The four paths are what join to make the whole aspect of yoga as they work together like the fingers of a hand. Most often than not, the four paths of yoga are intertwined by the individuals practicing it depending on their view of life. Though they are all yogis they are different and distinctly practiced in Hinduism (Whaling 2010).
To understand yoga, it is essential that we understand the four paths. First and foremost, Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge, wisdom, contemplation and introspection. It involves mainly the deep realization of the nature surrounding a human being and shunning the false identities that accompany …show more content…

This path deals with encountering and exploring the thought of mind and the understanding of the spirit. One is able to be at peace internally and feel the inner being through this path (Whaling 2010).

Personally of all the four paths, I would undertake the Bhakti Yoga. Every morning I would practice a thirty minute devotional mantra meditation. The reason to practice this yoga is because my days are filled with a lot of stresses and by meditation I am able to be aware of the world surrounding me. This therefore makes it easy for me to remain positive throughout the day.
There is no denying that the modern world it is hectic to exist in. the realization of the existence of the God and that I am his servant is fulfilling. Furthermore being a servant of the people makes me feel fulfilled. In this yoga, I am aware that God above will protect me every day and that through serving him and the people, I am in the path to light (Whaling 2010).
Additionally, Bhakti yoga is the yoga of love. There is no greater feeling in the world than feeling loved. Through this yoga, it is possible to channel the path to inner peace and love flowing from the heat. This means that by practicing the yoga, I am at peace with everyone else since I have no element of hate for anyone. It makes it easy to avoid confrontations and live a happier life throughout the

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