The Founder of Modern Fluid Dynamics: Ludwig Prantdl

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A fluid is defined as a substance that does not have any determined shape and is deformed continuously by a shear force, thus it can be said that fluid mechanics is considered as a part of physics which is concerning about gases, liquids and plasmas, in the other words, no solid phases.[1] Modern fluid mechanics is based on Continuum Hypothesis. This hypothesis assumes that a matter is continuous, hence while a matter is examined, atomic structure is not regarded- because if a matter is analyzed at a microscopic scale, the matter will be observed as discrete- and macroscopic scale is preferred instead of microscopic scale.[2]
Fluid mechanics can be divided into some subtitles, and these are fluid static (at rest) and fluid dynamic (in motion). These sections of fluid mechanics follow historical progression. In history, Archimedes thought about fluids firstly and his ideas were the entry of fluid static, and then Leonardo Da Vinci examined behaviors of complex flow. The important breakthrough about fluid dynamic appeared thanks to luminaries in Newtonian physics; they are Isaac Newton, Leonhard Euler and Daniel Bernoulli etc. Pressure as being three dimensional and velocity of fluid were explained thanks to Euler equations, but the equations were not enough to clarify the viscosity (friction) in a flow field. In the next century, Euler equations were developed by Claude-Louis Navier and George Stokes independently, and then new equations were derived and nowadays they are known as Navier-Stokes equations. These equations provided to describe internal friction acting in a flow field, but could not explain friction between a flow and a surface which contacts with the flow. The re...

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... the calculations of friction and pressure drag are based on his investigations. After Prandtl, his students could comment the manner of supersonic flow and the turbulent momentum exchange in the help of the boundary layer concept and equations.

2) Currie, I. G, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw-Hill Inc., (1974)
3) Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H. Okiishi, Wade W. Huebsch, Alric P. Rothmayer, Fluid mechanics 7th edition, Willey, (2013)
4) Genick Bar-Meir, Basic Fluid Mechanics Version, (2013)
5) John D. Anderson Jr, Ludwig Prandtl’s Boundary Layer, Physics Today (2005)
6) P. Erhard, D. Etling, U. Müller, U. Riedel, K.R. Sreenivasan, J. Warnatz, Prandtl-Essentials Fluid Mechanic 3rd Edition, Sprinker (2008)

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