The First Part Last Coming Of Age Quotes

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"If she hollers, she is mine. If she needs to be changed, she is always mine...
It's time to grow up. Too late, you're out of time. Be a grown-up." How many responsibilities do you have? Well Bobby is coming of age and realizes that he is going to have a lot more responsibilities than he though. The symbols throughout the book The First Part Last that show how Bobby is coming of age are, the red balloon, the brick wall, and Frank. The red balloon symbolizes love and innocence. The brick wall symbolizes disconnection from friends and family. Frank symbolizes becoming a man. The red balloon in The First Part Last is a symbol of love and innocence. This relates to coming of age because in The First Part Last, when Nia told Bobby that she was pregnant, she had the red balloon with her, " girlfriend Nia was waiting on our stoop for me with a red balloon. Just sittin' there with a balloon, looking all lost. I'll never forget that look and how her voice shook when she said, 'Bobby, I've got something to tell you." This shows that Nia gave Bobby her love and innocents to Bobby by getting pregnant and having a child. Coming of age means responsibility and so does having a child. The Brick wall symbolizes Bobby and how he is disconnected from friends and family, "Everything is clean brown brick, and off in the shadows of some brownstone. Where the hell …show more content…

All of the symbols in the book slowly build together and by the end of the book Bobby has given his love and innocence, he experience pain and then has healed from it. Bobby disconnected from his family and then found his way back. Also Bobby grew up and became a man. At the end of the book Bobby may not have everything figured out, "I climb the stairs and think about holding her, or maybe I'm really thinking about just holding on to her." Bobby knows knows he and Feather is be

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