The First Crusade: 'Deus Vult !'

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“Deus Vult!” “Deus Vult!” This was the battle-cry of the Crusaders. Men from all tiers of Medieval Europe are bankrupting themselves to march into the East. These men saw themselves as pilgrims of the Christian God sent on a mission. To these men spreading Christianity at the cost of thousands of Christian and Muslim lives was their sponsorship by the Catholic church. The Crusaders are clearly unjust in their actions taken against the East. At the birth of the First Crusade, Pope Urban II hosted a council at Clermont. Since this gathering was requested by the Byzantine emperor, Alexius I Comnenus, for military support, the Pope answered the call. However, the Pope had no clue on how to rouse up a force that would be great enough for a direct …show more content…

The Crusaders who are sponsored by the church and moving through the Holy Land under false pretenses show how bloodthirsty and unjust they really are for the first time. “Our men hurled the heads of the killed far into the city, that they (the Turks) might be the more terrified threat” (Proach, 1). The acts that the Crusaders take against the Muslims are, in fact, more terrible than the actions Urban II preached to them. However, the Crusaders did not care as long as their promise of absolution of sins was given. In addition to that appalling act, the Crusaders feel even more impelled to use the rest of the Muslims heads parading them around like trophies. The Crusaders are obviously unjust when they are walking around the city with human heads. “They placed some of those heads on spikes and paraded them around the walls in effort to strike greater terror into the hearts of the Turkish garrison” (Proach, …show more content…

Only problem for the Crusaders was that the city was in the hands of the Muslim-Turks who now more than before hate the Crusaders. The Crusaders wanted to finish their pillage, and they wanted to kill anyone who stood in their way Jewish or Muslim, specifically, Muslims. “Once inside Jerusalem, the Crusaders went on a rampage and killed many Muslim troops as well as non-combatants” (Massacre, 1). The appalling actions of the Crusades to slaughter innocent civilians after wandering through the countryside was completely unjust. The Turkish civilians had no part in the war and offended the Crusaders in no way apart from being Muslim. Since the Crusaders have demonized all Muslims at the time, each Muslim death seemed beneficial to their cause. However, Muslims were not the only group of people targeted; the Crusaders, also, slaughtered and burned the Jews in the city. The result was one of the most bloodiest events in history: the Crusaders were reported to be heel-deep in blood of Muslims and Jews. “'Rivers of blood' flowed through the streets... . William of Tyre described the victorious Crusaders 'dripping with blood from head to foot…. The Jewish community was locked in the central synagogue and burnt alive” (Jerusalem, 1). The actions of the Crusaders are past unjust and more into inhumane. The acts taken against Muslims and Jews were unforeseeable, and to think that the church which

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