The Finnish Health Policies

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Like in any country the aim of health care in Finland is to maintain and improve people’s health and wellbeing, social security and work and functional capacity and also to reduce health inequalities. In Finland the health care system is based on pre-ventive health care and well-run, comprehensive health services. The Ministry of So-cial and Affairs and Health is responsible for social and health policy and also pre-paring the legislation in social and health issues. The law requires for example the status and rights of patients and the timeframes for access to care. The aims in Finn-ish health policy are mainly directed to health promotion and disease prevention and everyone is entitled to adequate social and health services. When the main responsi-bility of preparing and planning of social and health policy and services are for Min-istry of Social Affairs and Health, but municipalities are responsible for arranging and funding health care. (Health Services, 2013.) The health care expenditures in Finland was 9 % of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at 2010 - 2011 (Terveydenhuollon menot ja rahoitus, 2011).

Health services are also divided in public health services and private health services, but from another point of view, there are three different health care system in Finland which receive public funding: municipal health care (public), private health care and occupational health care (private or municipal). The largest share of health care ser-vices is provided by the municipal health care system. (Vuorenkoski, Mladovsky & Moissalos, 2008.) National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) is nationally responsible for monitoring social and health care in Finland. Valvira monitors public and private social and he...

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Here is few examples from the laws which guides the health care system in Myanmar: Blood and Blood Products Law (2003), Traditional Medicine Council Law (2000), National Food Law (1997), Prevention and Control of communicable Diseases Law (1995) (Revised in 2011), Law relating to the Nurse and Midwife (1990) (Revised in 2002). (Health policy, legislation and plans, 2013). The one thing that paid my attention was that there was no law which determines the rights of the patient or the client.

Myanmar Ministry of Health maintains quite comprehensive website which includes much information about their health care system, services, law, policy and infrastruc-ture. And I thinks that the Myanmar Ministry of Health websites were much compre-hensive compared to Italian websites, maybe those would also be comprehensive for person who has a good knowledge of Italian.

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