The Existance of God

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God’s Existence

God's existence is a very intense argument topic. Whether God exists or not is a question thousand of people have been asking themselves and have been searching for proof whether to believe in his existence or not. Philosophers have tried to provide rational proof of God's existence that go beyond opinionated declaration. I personally decisively believe in his existence. I chose this topic based on five questions; Firstly, everyone asks themselves whether something exists or not. Secondly, whether we all know it exists or not. Thirdly, whether we have a clear reason for our knowledge. Fourthly,whether we have proof on this existence or not. Lastly, whether people decide to believe in this existence or not. Some people refuse to believe in God’s existence and believe that science has created the world and us, but didn't million of things come from one thing? A human came from one human. A tree started from one seed. A cat is the 30th generation of a single cat. So where did the first of everything on this planet come from? Science? Did science create the first male and female human and animal? Did science create the first single seed? Science was created and is not the creator.

There are several different reasons why many people don’t believe in God’s Existence. Some philosophers have impacted people by invincibly denying God’s existence, philosophers believe that if something cannot be seen by eye then there’s no proof for its existence. No one can visually see God right in front of them, that causes people to ask themselves whether he exists or not. Another reason why many people don’t believe in God is the creation of science. Science has answered the basic life questions and changed the way people view ev...

... middle of paper ... that is needed for man to trust God and have a personal and growing relationship with Him.

God’s Existence is a very intense topic.The non-believers believe that mostly science created this world, but are not convinced that people created science. As more and more people start to look for answers to basic life questions like; how were we created? why? how did this world come? why are we who we are? and infinite life question, they’ve found many different answers from different religious perspectives which confuses them. No matter how many proof there is of anything’s existence, it’s the people’s choice whether to believe in it or not, if they decide to believe in what they view proof of, then they become believers, if they decide to deny the proof , they become non-believers , but denying the proof shown of something’s existence does not make it disappear.

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