The Execution By Alden Noman

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The author Alden noman uses several poetic elements in his poem “The Execution”. The execution is a free verse poem this makes it more story-like as the poem has no rhyme or rhythm to it and the type of poem is narrative. The poem has 6 stanzas and 118 lines. There is alliteration, such as “we went” and “thought they”. The story is mostly the type of stanzas that contain 3 lines called tercet. Alden also uses symbolism in this poem take the reverend for example, who is a symbol of the church and the holy spirit, there is then the sheriff who represents the order of society and then there is the press who is the symbol of free speech. There is also imagery, but it's minor and that is “the lights were so bright”. There is also spondee in the …show more content…

Such as when they are leading press around and lead him into the wrong room, then eventually leading him out to be hung and put a hood over his head, press at this point is helpless and nothing can be done for him as there's a hood over his head, I mean no one is going to see you with a hood on your head… I mean it’s good to have hope at least. Then when he is lead to the podium and the hangman says “don’t make it any harder for us” and the poem ends its obvious that he is dead and his hopes weren’t successful. But Alden was trying to make the poem about this and how hundreds of innocent people especially press are executed in some countries just for violating laws such as ones meant to censor the media to make an illusion that their state of control is the normal thing around the world when it's not. Because if the citizens found out they would overthrow the government but why should they care there about the citizens their tyrants who want you to be there way and if you dare to expose them then it's on you after all aren't you just a number to them…. That’s all your ever be I mean isn’t that how most governments are anyways? Just desensitized to the citizens of their country and you become just a number and a dollar in their

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