The Effects of Media on Society

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It is estimated that by teenager years, roughly 78% of adolescents will face issues with how they view themselves (Washington Dept.). As time passes, the number is steadily increasing. This is a major issue. Teens are exposed to the media every day and is impacting them severely. Media proves to have a negative effect on society and people in their preteen and teen years. This topic is extremely important to me. I, myself, am a teenager. It worries me that something as big as media would allow themselves to continue to hurt teenagers emotionally and in worst cases, physically. This topic is something that is close to my heart and I find interesting. I personally know people that have been affected by eating disorders and low self-esteem issues. I want to know how the media can impact someone so much that they would want to harm themselves and their bodies in order to fit the ideal perfection standard implemented by the media. I hope that in the near future, people can see the true dangers and the issues can be resolved. My sources are all electronic. All sources are found from articles and websites on the internet directed by Google. My first source I had found was from the American Psychological Association. This source gave a professional approach to eating disorders and Alvarado 2 how they came to be. In addition to this source, there is the NEDA Feeding Hope foundation that is also based on eating disorders. Another eating disorders source is Something Fishy. The electronic sources Teen Ink, Divine Caroline, Westminster College, and Washington Department are all sources that focus on how media affects teenagers in general. All sources give professional and factual input. The main idea behind the sources is to fo... ... middle of paper ... ...ously. I am concerned on what types of stories would be acceptable. Stories of everyday teens? Stories of celebrities that changed themselves for media? Or stories of people in careers like ballerinas that have eating disorders due to the need of being “perfect?” Which stories would be best to use? I am hoping that my paper will produce a newfound opinion about the media. Not necessarily a negative outlook, but a clearer outlook. One that is not tainted by various reality shows and music pop icons. My focus will be on the media and its effects. Not necessarily that it is bad, but the truth behind it. This work is extremely important because to this day, Alvarado 4 we are leaving too many harms for teenagers to act in. We need to change the way media is to get a better outcome for teenagers to avoid the bad phase or even deadly phase of eating disorders.

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