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Effects of fast food on health
Health effects of fast food in america
Effects of fast food on health
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50 million. That is the average number of Americans that are served in a fast food restaurant each day. There are about 990 thousand fast food restaurants in America today. With new chain restaurants popping up on every corner and new restaurants opening everyday, it is obvious why so many people eat at these places. Although people think the food is tasty and cheap, they do not realize that they are causing more harm than good to their body. 60 percent or 100 billion Americans are considered overweight or obese. There are more issues than obesity coming from fast food.The additives, fats, and other harmful ingredients that go into the food are not thought about when enjoying the meal. Only when the health problems start do people realize …show more content…
Janet Renee suggests that fast food often contains excess calories, fat, salt, refined carbohydrates, and cholesterol (parag.1). Population studies have shown a link between eating fast food and increased risk of developing heart disease. Eating fast food once a week can increase the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 20 percent. Eating fast food 3 to 4 times a week increases the risk to 50 percent. Eating fast food more than 4 times a week increases the risk to 80 percent. Heart disease has many causes but one of the major causes is fast food. All of the ingredients in the food make your heart work harder than it should. Heart disease begins with damage to the heart arteries, which could happen when the fats from the fast food clog the arteries. Mark Pereira reports that the dangers of fast food are larger portions and the high calories and low nutrients. New evidence has shown that a diet heavy in fast food increases the risk of developing heart disease (parag.1). Pereira says, “The big picture is that this [fast food] aspect of globalization… might not be the best thing to spread to the cultures around the world” (parag.4). In other words, Pereira believes that our fast food industry is not healthy and therefore should not be introduced to other cultures that have not already been exposed to it. The larger portions are causing people to eat more than they should be. This is putting more fat and other harmful things in the body than it can handle so it has to work harder to try to get rid of it. The fat from the food also causes harm to the body’s arteries which causes heart disease over time. Matthew Lee claims that regions with more fast food restaurants are 2.62 times more likely to have high levels of hospitalization for heart problems (parag.4). Researchers from the University of South Australia supports the report that for every 10 percent increase in fast food restaurants, people are 1.39 times more likely to die
Kushner, Jason, ed. "Fast Food and Obesity Epidemic."Nutra Legacy. Nutralegacy.com , 12 Nov 2008. Web. 16 Jan 2014. .
"The Dangers of Eating Fast Food." Stony Brook University- The Heart Links Project. (1999): n.
However, when creating fast food restaurants, the industries were not thinking about the negative effects such as obesity. Other than obesity, other harmful effects exist as well. Fast food restaurants serve unhealthy products such as greasy foods and artificial meat that lead to dietary health issues in many adults and children. A recent study showed that “Young children who are fed processed, nutrient-poor foods are likely to become unhealthy teenagers, and eventually unhealthy adults. Now twenty-three percent of teens in the U.S. are pre-diabetic or diabetic, 22% have high or borderline high LDL cholesterol levels, and 14% have hypertension or prehypertension”
Obesity is an epidemic in America. Fast food can be compared to the same type of mindless addiction as cigarettes, and can be equally as dangerous. Not only is there a problem with fast food restaurants, but the food industry as a whole. Slaughterhouses that control 80% of the market produce meat in such a way that is not healthy for consumption, in turn the products are doused in harmful chemicals and still served to the public. No wonder the obesity rate in America is 69% and rising. Obesity is a true problem in our country- people are neglecting their health and quite literally eating themselves to death.
Buchholz, Todd. "Are Fast-Food Establishments Making Americans Fat?." Journal of Controversial Medical Claims 10.4 (2003): 1-10. Print. 1 Feb 2011.
Holguin, Jaime. “Fast Food Linked To Child Obesity.” Cbsnews.com. CBS News, 5 Jan. 2003. Web. 8 May 2011.
Scientists claim that the consumption of fast food leads to rapid weight gain, heart attacks, diabetes, reduced immunity, irreversible changes in the liver, raising the level of cholesterol in the blood. The fat contained in fast food, mainly consists of saturated fatty acids, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
The rise and success of the fast food industry has a positive correlation with the rising levels of obesity. Although correlation does not necessarily mean causation, it is hard to believe the fast food industry is not a source of the problem. With its affordable meals and cunning advertisements, the fast food industry appeals to all ages, saving mom and dad money...
First of all, Fast food is a major cause of obesity as proven by the research of health experts. The video "Supersize Me" shows how a guy went on a 30 day challenge of eating only McDonald's for every meal of the day, for the whole 30 days. He was an active and healthy person before he started the challenge. After doing the challenge, he almost died because of how unhealthy the food was. He gained a lot of weight and his blood pressure skyrocketed.
"Is Fast Food to Blame for Obesity?" The Premier Online Debate Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.
Most fast food contains high levels of added sugar and fats, and consuming them creates insulin resistance in the body, thus leading to diabetes. Most children are attracted to them by advertisements and parents find it hard to deny them, but this is leading to more obese children.(Linda Hepler, January 12, 2012).To prevent this it is best to avoid fast food restaurants. If you occasionally do eat from such places make sure to order healthier versions containing vegetables and less fried
Many people don 't realize how unhealthy stopping at the drive-thru is. Fast food can negatively affect you physically and emotionally. A average woman should have 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. An average man should have 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day. When eating fast food regularly increases your chances of type 2 diabetes. In a 15 year study, people who ate at least 3 days a week fast food gained 9.9 pounds of body weight, compared to a person who ate once a week. Most fast food meals are high and low in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables help to balance a high fat meal, helping to reduce the harmful effects on the blood vessels. According to studies within 3-5 hours of eating a high fat meal, your blood vessels function usual. For some people this can cause a heart attack or a stroke. Fast food may lead some people to depression compared to people who have little to no fast food. According to studies the more fast food you eat the greater risk you are of
“Nearly one third of the United States eats fast food regularly and there is a close relation between the fast food restaurants and obesity. This increases the obesity in younger people” (“Fast food obesity” 9). Every time a person gets in the car to go somewhere he or she will more than likely pass a fast food restaurant on the way to their destination. These restaurants are not good for the human body. They draw people to their food by fast, simple, and cheap quality items on their menus.
“In 2006, Americans spent about $142,000,000,000 on fast food” (Smith). By definition, fast food is food that can be prepared quickly and easily and is sold in restaurants and snack bars as a quick meal or to be taken out. The average American would rather get a quick bite to eat than produce a home cooked meal. With the growth and high demand from the fast food industry, it is shocking to find that the food they serve is extremely unhealthy. Since Fast Food companies are targeting adolescents, it is essential for the health and well being of the population to understand how the consumption of fast food is negatively impacting their health.
Fast Food in my opinion is a big reason for the giant increase in obesity rates. Fast food is more convenient than ever since there is practically a place around every corner. For teens this food becomes nearly an everyday thing that transfers into adulthood.