Should schools sell fast food like taco bell or mcdonalds? No fast food should not be allowed in schools. Because it is a major cause of obesity. It makes a person feel tired. And It is more expensive than regular school food.
First of all, Fast food is a major cause of obesity as proven by the research of health experts. The video "Supersize Me" shows how a guy went on a 30 day challenge of eating only McDonald's for every meal of the day, for the whole 30 days. He was an active and healthy person before he started the challenge. After doing the challenge, he almost died because of how unhealthy the food was. He gained a lot of weight and his blood pressure skyrocketed. He was becoming so tired and he felt so depressed all of the time because of his addiction to the very unhealthy McDonald's food. Fast food is not the only cause of obesity though. If a person really likes to eat then they are probably going to end up overweight even if they do not eat fast food.
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Some fast food restaurants have a lot of sugar in their products and sugar makes a person tired. Many foods are also very greasy and that could also be a main cause of making people tired. Your body also gets tired from fast food because fast food lacks the proteins that your body needs to carry out everyday activities. People need fruits and vegetables in their diets to get all of the nutrients that they need. If you are only eating fast food then you are depriving your body of these proteins and nutrients. It is your own choice whether or not to eat fast food but if fast food is allowed into schools, then most of the time a person will make the bad choice and pick fast food because it looks better to eat than the school
“Children's current levels of fast-food consumption probably are even higher because of an increase in the number of fast-food restaurants and in fast-food marketing since the late 1990s (Holguin),” stated Ludwig at CBS. Ludwig is right, and this is outside of schools. Most students eat breakfast and lunch during school hours.Therefore, these fast-foods are their main meals… unhealthy meals. Also, where is the money from that allows franchises such as McDonalds to be in high school cafeterias?
Summary/Response Essay 1 In David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame the Eater,” Zinczenko explains that during his childhood, which was in the mid 1980’s, his parents split up and he lived with his mom. Her income was barely enough to pay the bills, so they lived paycheck to paycheck. Under this circumstance, fast food was the only food that they could afford to buy in large quantities because it is generally cheaper than most other restaurants. Due to eating fast food for both lunch and dinner on a daily basis for his entire childhood, when he was 15 years old, Zinczenko weighed 212 pounds.
The obesity problem in this country has gotten worse, a lot worse, and the surge in obesity can be tied directly to fast food. I was appalled by the fact that since 1980 the number of people either fat of obese has doubled, and in that time frame there are twice as many overweight children and three times as many overweight adolescents. Looking strictly at the numbers, it is very easy to find a direct correlation between the number of overweight or obese individuals and the number of fast food establishments. However these fast food outlets are not created in a vacuum, they are servicing a demand. Each day one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant. Our culture has evolved to one of immediate gratification, we want it convenient, and we want it now. The fast food industry has simply seized that cultural demand and has taken advantage of it all the way to the bank. I think we have a cultural weakness that looks for someone to blame for our problems and McDonalds certainly makes a nice target.
Obesity can be caused by a combination of fast food and the environment people live in today. Fast food contains foods that are high in fats, sugars, and starches. These ingredients have rarely any nutritional value to the human body. Most of the foods available at fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, and KFC contain concentrated salt and preservatives to enhance the flavor in them. Obesity has become the defining aspect of our nation by surrounding the people with fast food products. The freedom to choose what one wants, gives the fast food companies the right to give one unhealthy food. The consumption of fast food products regularly greatly increases one’s chance of having health disparities such as Coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers, stroke, Hypertension, and Osteoarthritis. These negative effects are present with the daily eating of fast foods.
Most schools have vending machines that sell various kinds of candy and chips. Some schools go as far as having school stores. However, organizations such as the FDA think this is unhealthy for students, and should be banned. Schools should be allowed to have vending machines and school stores. Having vending machines and school stores are the easiest ways for schools to get students to buy things every day. Without these, many schools would not be able to afford to continue numerous school functions. Vending machines and school stores allow students more options for what to eat for lunch. Schools should be allowed to have vending machines and school stores.
In the United States, there are many people who believe that if it wasn’t for fast food restaurants, they would be eating healthier and wouldn’t be overweight. People have even tried to sue fast food restaurants for their own self esteem issues. It’s ironic that people actually blame fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, for being obese. While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity outbreak, it certainly doesn’t stand alone. There are loads of reasons why people living in the United States are overweight. Some of these reasons involve dilemmas within the school arrangements, peer pressure, family genetics, educational issues, and even where a person lives. The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion said that “Some illnesses may lead to obesity or weight gain. These may include Cushing's disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may also cause weight gain” (Overweight and Obesity, Even though obesity has become a major problem in the United States today, the percentage in general, of obese human beings would definitely decrease if people would exercise more, eat healthier, and change their diets.
You may be thinking that fast food is unhealthy, and at most fast food places it is. But, there are healthy options at restaurants that are considered “fast food”. Fast food means that the restaurant that you go to
Obesity is a largely spread issue throughout America. Did you know that 35.7% of Americans are considered to be obese? Not only that, but 1 in 20 are considered to be extremely obese (The State of Obesity). These seem to be some pretty high numbers, and in many peoples lives the label of “overweight” or “obese” can cause many other issues throughout their life. Just as Anna Mae is addicted to McDonalds in the play “French Fries”, many Americans have addictions to things such as fast food chains. Are restaurants, such as McDonalds to blame for issues such as obesity in Americans? Many would argue yes.
School lunches should provide the healthiest options for students. Ann Louise Gittleman, one of America’s top nutritionists, stresses that “Healthy eating gives energy and concentration skills opposed to unhealthy processed foods which slow one’s brain down and cause sugar crashes in children.” thus making children bovine. If students crash, their focus can be shifted and lessened. According to the School Health Policies and Programs Study in 2006, 11.7 percent of elementary schools, 19 percent of middle schools, and 23.5 percent of high schools included meals from fast food restaurants, such as Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, amon...
Although some school foods may be unhealthy, the food produced at fast food restaurants is certainly worse for teenagers' health. At Tallwood High School, students are required to pay extra money in order to buy fries. This was done in order to discourage French fry consumption, but the idea backfired. Instead of buying a full lunch, some students use their lunch money to buy fries and nothing else. Students are also pressed to take two fruits or vegetables along with their meal, but many of these fruits and vegetables end up uneaten and trashed.
Did you know that more than 35% of America is obese? Do you want to be one of them? Eating many fast food items can cause you to become obese, addicted, and overall unhealthy. Fast Food should be BANNED from schools. Soda can also cause a caffeine addiction, which many people can go through, and eating fast food a lot can cause a fast food addiction. Despite these problems, schools have been serving children fast food in schools and are putting vending machines in the cafeterias to replace much needed staff. So, as childhood obesity continues to grow in the USA, fast food is still being served in schools, and kids are still eating it. So as the Director of Nutrition Services, I know that fast foods are bad for kids due to unhealthy added fats, sugars, and sodiums. They should be removed from school systems in the U.S.
Many people don 't realize how unhealthy stopping at the drive-thru is. Fast food can negatively affect you physically and emotionally. A average woman should have 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. An average man should have 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day. When eating fast food regularly increases your chances of type 2 diabetes. In a 15 year study, people who ate at least 3 days a week fast food gained 9.9 pounds of body weight, compared to a person who ate once a week. Most fast food meals are high and low in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables help to balance a high fat meal, helping to reduce the harmful effects on the blood vessels. According to studies within 3-5 hours of eating a high fat meal, your blood vessels function usual. For some people this can cause a heart attack or a stroke. Fast food may lead some people to depression compared to people who have little to no fast food. According to studies the more fast food you eat the greater risk you are of
However just because the school is only selling healthy food does not mean students will buy it. This is due to the fact that for a food to be healthier they often take away the excess salt or sugar, reducing the flavour of these foods. Because of this drastic difference students will be less willing to buy food at the cafeterias. Then there is the added disadvantage that healthy food costs more which will result in students purchasing their food at fast food restaurants nearby. Most schools have already taken steps to make cafeteria lunches healthier, especially because it is often freshly made and nt packed with extra chemicals.
It's quick, it's convenient, it's delicious! Fast food is the most popular quick-service nourishment. It plays an important role in the lives of humans so perfectly laid out for ourselves. Why try cooking when you can get food at a much faster rate? For most people, fast food is the answer to all of our problems.
Healthy foods contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that help one to feel full; fast food lacks these vitamins and minerals which causes people to remain hungry after consuming a fast food meal (Bariatric1). Not feeling full leads to overeating, and overeating leads to obesity. Fast food contains a great number of calories; ingesting these fast food meals exceeds the amount of calories one should eat in a day