The Effects of Childhood Cancer on Families and the Journey That Becomes the New Normal

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In 1998, the most common cause of child and adolescents death claimed approximately 2500 young lives in the United States alone. The cause of this dreadful loss of life was due to childhood cancers. This paper explores the changes in the life of children dealing with cancer, families that have been affected by these diseases (also known as pediatric cancer) and a small part of the journey they experience. Cancer does not discriminate and affects all members of the family unit. This paper investigates the challenges that a family will experience from the first diagnoses through palliative care. It examines research and statistic about childhood cancer from organization as the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the National Cancer Institute's (NCI), Children’s Cancer Research Fund (CCRF), and other cancer research organization. Although there are 12 major types of cancers that affect children, the main focus in this paper will be acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). It will also include an interview, the personal experiences of a family, real life emotions, and the effect on the parents and sibling of the (Ashtyn) child presently facing acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Life is no longer what formerly was known as being normal. Life with cancer becomes a new journey, the new normal family life that, unfortunately is not normal, but a life that includes cancer. Keywords: childhood cancer, family life, new journey, leukemia (ALL), chemo The Effects of Childhood Cancer on Families and the Journey That Becomes the New Normal Childhood cancer is a life altering experience, not only for a child, but for their entire family. It is the leading cause of death in children from the time of birth to 14 years of age, defined by the ag... ... middle of paper ... [Accessed: 4Apr 2014]. (2014). Comprehensive Cancer Information - National Cancer Institute. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 7 Apr 2014]. (2014). Treatment of children with acute lymphocytic leukemia. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 7 Apr 2014]. Children's Cancer Research Fund. (2014). Treatments and Therapies | Children's Cancer Research Fund. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 4 Apr 2014]. Children's Cancer Research Fund. (2014). Retrieved April 5, 2014, from website: Whalen, M. (2014). Leukemia, A Family’s New Journey. Interview by Jarret Collins [Text Interview].

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