There are limitations to this study, such as this study only considers the effects of ADHD on children and not on adults. The reason that the author decided to focus the research on children is because, as stated before, ADHD is a childhood disorder that should be diagnosed before reaching adulthood. The author of this work believes that if the disorder, and the effects thereof, are addressed during childhood there will be less of an impact on adults, increasing the importance of treatment during childhood.
A second limitation to this study is the form of treatment that the author has decided to concentrate upon to treat ADHD. The reason that the author choose to focus upon this form of treatment is because ADHD possesses cognitive and behavioral elements and CBT addresses cognitive and behavioral issues in clients. Behavior Therapy is a form of treatment in the counseling field but this form of treatment does not address the thoughts or feelings of the clients that the cognitive behavioral therapist treats (Walsh, 2010). Cognitive Therapy is an additional form of treatment that the author may have chosen to explore however, with this form of therapy the focus is on the client’s thoughts and not on the client’s behaviors. With cognitive therapy, the main belief is that the client will focus on restructuring his or her thought processes and as his or her thoughts change his or her behaviors will change but the focus of treatment is on the thought processes only and, again, with ADHD the clients need attention drawn to both thoughts and behaviors (Walsh, 2010). A third form of treatment in the field of counseling is Narrative Therapy but with this form of treatment the focus is upon an individual’s story of his or her life....
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...26(4), 221-233.
Walsh, J. (2010). Behavior theory. In J. Walsh (2nd), Theories for direct social work practice (123-146). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Walsh, J. (2010). Cognitive theory. In J. Walsh (2nd), Theories for direct social work practice (147-176). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Walsh, J. (2010). Narrative theory. In J. Walsh (2nd), Theories for direct social work practice (273-300). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Young. S. & Amarasinghe, M. (2010). Practitioner review: Non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD: A lifespan approach. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 51(2), 116-133. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02191.x
Zentall, S. S. (2005). Theory- and evidence-based strategies for children with attentional problems. Psychology in the Schools, 42(8), 821-836. doi: 10.1002/pits.20114
The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Stohr, M. K., & P. Collins. (2009). The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'.
Morales, A., Sheafor, B. W., & Scott, M. E. (2012). Social work: a profession of many faces. (12th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
One of the main treatments for ADHD is the use of medication. Primarily the main medication used is stimulants such as amphetamines. Amphetamines have been used in this treatment due to its effects of reducing the symptoms of ADHD such as behavior and irritability (Hodgkins, Shaw, McCarthy, Sallee, 2012). A major concern though with the use of amphetamines is...
Thompson, N (2005) Understanding Social Work: Preparing for Practice, Palgrave, MacMillan (Second Edition) Hampshire (Supplementary Course Reader)
ADHD is an exceedingly real diagnosis for many children in the United States. Are we over diagnosing our little ones just to keep from dealing with unpleasant behavior? “ On average 1 of every 10 to 15 children in the United States has been diagnosed with the disorder, and 1 in every 20 to 25 uses a stimulant medication” (Mayes, Bagwell, & Erkulwater, 2008). Several believe that virtually all ADHD diagnoses are retractable with appropriate discipline of children instead of being so hasty in medicating them. The material found on the CDC website describes facts about ADHD, it clarifies the signs, symptoms, types, causes, diagnosis tools, and treatment forms of ADHD. What the article neglects to go into is the reality that there is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding ADHD. The CDCs usage of ethos, pathos, and logos and by what method the website manipulates them to affect the reader will be the basis of this paper.
Dorfman, R. (1996). Clinical social work: Definiton [sic], practice, and vision. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.
ADHD is a disorder that has been on the rise for several years now. The disorder is one that can cause many impairments to a child’s attention span, making it difficult to concentrate and to keep on task, especially on schoolwork. (Graham, 2007) The statistics have been growing ...
Theory has been defined as, “an organized set of assumptions, beliefs, or ideas about particular phenomena in the world (Teater, 2015).” Theory is used to understand and explain possible and perceived instances, behaviors and outcomes (Teater, 2015). Social workers use theory in order to understand, as well as, introduce interventions and solutions to their client’s individual situation. It is important for students entering into the social work profession to have a base knowledge of theories, with basic understanding of their similarities and differences to appropriately apply theory in practice. The theories which will be focused on in this paper include Systems Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Theory.
According to a variety of clinical studies appearing in various peer-reviewed journals, only 8% of children and 5% of adults have ADHD, but 21 to 45% of all criminals in US prison have ADHD (Quily.) One of the most prevalent mental conditions in children, ADHD is also one of the fastest growing mental health problems for school-age populations (Wolfe.) Its occurrence appears to be anywhere between 2 to 10% of children in school, and corresponds to 7.4% of parents with children ages 3-17 indicating that they have been notified that their child has this condition. As a result, treatment numbers for ADHD have dramatically increased over the last few decades; ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls although there are no discernible disparities in diagnosis by race. A great deal of research has focused on short-term consequences of this condition on school-age children, including an increased...
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is very commonly known. Today, ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders among children. The NIMH (The national institute of mental health) predicts that it affecting 3 to 5 percent of all children(AACAP), with an approximate amount of 30% to 65% of these children experiencing persistence of symptoms into adolescence and adulthood (AACAP).There are three types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type, Predominantly Inattentive Type, and Combination Type( The symptoms of ADHD can be classified into three main categories; hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. These behaviors can interfere with ADHD sufferers’ ability to focus deliberately on organizing and completing a specific task that they may not enjoy. A case of this kind of behavior is recognized in a report written by the National Institute of Mental Health where one of the subjects under study was unable to pass schooling examinations due to her inattentive behavior ( These kinds of behaviors can damage the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem, depending on severity of their symptoms ( In this paper, the multiple factors of how ADHD affects, and is handled, of those who undergo this disorder, are shown.
According to Schwarz and Cohen (2013), approximately 11% of children are under medication. Authors have pointed out that one boy in every five high school boys have received medical treatment for ADHD. The above mentioned prevalence rates of ADHD among children and increase in medication have raised concerns among physicians that over-diagnosis and overmedication has become common among American children. Prescription of certain stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall for children for improvement of their lives downgraded by the disorder has led to anxiety, addiction and psychosis. Experts think that long term use of stimulants such as Ritalin leads to physical dependence. It is also clear that long term users and abusers of Ritalin leads to the addiction. Schwarz and Cohen (2013) show that close to 6.4 million children of age of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD in their lifetime. The reports made in the past two decades show a 41 % increase of ADHD diagnosis. In addition, there is an increase in diagnosis of the disorder by 16% among children since 2007. According to Lavender (2013), North Carolina has the highest number of children diagnosed w...
Wilson, K. et al. al., 2011 - p. 78. Social Work: 'Introduction to Contemporary Practice'. 2nd ed.
This paper examines and analyzes the article “Exasperating or Exceptional? Parents’ Interpretations of Their Child’s ADHD Behavior” by Heather C. Lench, Linda J. Levine, and Carol K. Whalen. The paper provides an analysis of a study conducted in 2013 which examined the role of behavioral perception in families affected by ADHD. An introduction, rationale of the study, description of procedure and participants, and results are all included. There is also a reflection which describes the implications for sharing the results in a family counseling setting.
Chenoweth, L & McAuliffe, D 2012, The road to social work and human service practice, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne.
ADHD can be diagnosed in kids as early as 3 years old! Everyone should learn more about ADHD, which would result in a more educated, inattentive community. This paper will be going in depth and explaining ADHD by focusing on three subtopics: Treatment, gender Differences, and ADHD in kids. Overall, ADHD has a lot of interesting info to learn about.