Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is very commonly known. Today, ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders among children. The NIMH (The national institute of mental health) predicts that it affecting 3 to 5 percent of all children(AACAP), with an approximate amount of 30% to 65% of these children experiencing persistence of symptoms into adolescence and adulthood (AACAP).There are three types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type, Predominantly Inattentive Type, and Combination Type( The symptoms of ADHD can be classified into three main categories; hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. These behaviors can interfere with ADHD sufferers’ ability to focus deliberately on organizing and completing a specific task that they may not enjoy. A case of this kind of behavior is recognized in a report written by the National Institute of Mental Health where one of the subjects under study was unable to pass schooling examinations due to her inattentive behavior ( These kinds of behaviors can damage the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem, depending on severity of their symptoms ( In this paper, the multiple factors of how ADHD affects, and is handled, of those who undergo this disorder, are shown. Before all else, the most important part to understand, about this disorder, is the symptoms that the suffer has. One of the most common symptoms of this disorder is inattentiveness. Inattentiveness is when a person is being heedless and is not focusing of paying attention to a matter being put in fron... ... middle of paper ... ...=&state2=&cntry2=&state3=&cntry3=&locn=&gndr=&fund=0&rcv_s=&rcv_e=&lup_s=&lup_e=>. "How common is ADHD." AACAP. AACAP, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. . "Neurodevelopmental Disorders." Family Success. Family Success, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. . "What is the definition of ADHD." Adult - Child - ADD - ADHD. N/A, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. . Dr.Khin (2013 January, 2014) community hospital. Personal interview/appointments for my ADHD "Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." Centers of disease control and prevention-CDC. CDC, n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. ncbddd/adhd/treatment.html>.
...oermann et al, 2005). This has a tendency to lead to an insecure sense of one’s self. (Hoermann et al, 2005) A person with this disorder has a difficult time being reliable. This can be from constant career change, relationships and goals. These essential changes occur without any warning. (Hoermann et al, 2005)
Merrow, John. “Attention Deficit Disorder: A Dubious Diagnosis," The Merrow Report, New York, October, 1995.
...A Comprehensive Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: Research,Diagnosis, and Treatment.New York: Brunner and Mazel Press, 1995.
"What Is Occupational Therapy?" Occupational Therapy : What Is Occupational Therapy? N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), once called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, is one of the most common mental disorders among children. (Elia, Ambrosini, Rapoport, 1999) It affects 3 to 5 percent of all children, with approximately 60% to 80% of these children experiencing persistence of symptoms into adolescence and adulthood, causing a lifetime of frustrated dreams and emotional pain. There are two types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: an inattentive type and a combined type. The symptoms of ADHD can be classified into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This behaviour stops ADHD sufferers from focussing deliberately on organising and completing a specific task that they may not enjoy, learning new skills or information is proved to be impossible. An example of such behaviour is recognised by the report written by the National Institute of Mental Health where one of the subjects under study was unable to pass schooling examinations due to her inattentive behaviour. Such behaviour can damage the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem. (National Institute of Mental Health 1999) There are also secondary symptoms which are associated with ADHD, such as learning disorders, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders, tic disorders, and conduct disorders. (Spencer, Biederman, and Wilens 1999 in Monastra V, Monastra D, George, 2002)
Leo, J. (2000). Attention defi cit disorder: Good science or good marketing? Skeptic, 8 (1), 29–37.
Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, is the most common psychiatric condition effecting 9.5% of school-aged children in the United States (intuniv, 2013). If the disorder goes untreated, it will cause more long-term side effects and difficulties for the individual as an adult. Adults who have this condition face several adversities in every day life, such as impulsive behavior, low self-esteem and poor work performance. People are not aware of the complications that come with ADHD in adults. Not knowing the symptoms of the disease can cause people to not be sympathetic when they are interacting with someone with disorder.
...f Attention Deficit Disorder.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company. 14 Dec. 2013. Web. 5 March 2014.
Quinn, P. (2012). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Is ADHD?. WebMD. Retrieved on December 3, 2013, from
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), more commonly referred to as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), has only recently come to notice of scientists. It affects 3.5 million people under the age of 18 and 5 million people over the age of 18. Its current cause of existence is due to defects at neurotransmitter sites, rendering patients inattentive and impulsive. However, every year more progress is made in locating the cause and finding more effective treatments. ADHD's first diagnosis was made in 1902 by Dr. George Still. He observed 20 children who were inattentive, impulsive, hyperactive, and showed mood swings. He initially attributed their behavior to mild brain damage. By 1917 ADHD or constantly active was still thought to have this cause. At this time, viral encephalitis seemed to be linked to the disease because, after being infected, children had impaired attention, memory, and impulse control. In 1937 ADHD was known as minimal brain dysfunction and began to be treated with amphetamines, which made children with the disorder much calmer.
To be nobody-but-myself--in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make
The most common behaviors of ADHD fall into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may show several signs of being consistently inattentive. They may have a pattern of being hyperactive and impulsive, or they may show all three types of behavior. Inattention is when people have a hard time keeping their minds on any one thing and may get bored with a task after only a few minutes. They may find it agonizing to do homework without getting bored. Often they will forget to plan ahead by writing down the assignment or bringing home the right books. When finally trying to do work they may find themselves drifting to something else; as a result, work will rarely get done.
Journal of Attention Disorders. 17(2), 141-141. pp. 141-
So, what is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Hyperactivity refers to a child or adults inability to sit still and stay quiet. Individuals who showcase hyperactivity criteria often rush through things and tend to roughhouse in situations that are not appropriate. Inattentiveness pertains to a child or adults inability to focus their attention and stay on task. Those who showcase inattentive criteria struggle to listen well to directions and often forget where they place things. Impulsivity criteria for this disorder involves the inability to think before acting. Individuals who fit this criterion