The Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Between Yeast Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide

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The Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Between Yeast Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide

Useful info

The Enzyme Catalase is a protein molecule which is found in living

cells. It is used to speed up reactions in the cells. It is a very

specific enzyme and just performs one particular reaction.

Catalase is an enzyme found in cells in potatoes and liver and is used

for removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is

the poison produced during metabolism. Catalase aids the decomposition

of Hydrogen Peroxide the by products of which are water and oxygen as

shown in the equations below.



Hydrogen Peroxide-------------->Water + Oxygen



It is able to speed up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide because

the shape of it's active site is the same as that of the Hydrogen

Peroxide molecule. This is the type of reaction where a molecule is

broken down into smaller pieces and is called an anabolic reaction.


Enzymes are catalysts which means they speed up reactions and allow

them to take place more easily using less energy. They do this because

they each have a specialized active site which is designed to fit a

specific molecule. (Pepsin= Protease which catalyses reactions

involving proteins) etc Every type of enzyme has a different shaped

active site and likes to work in different conditions some like more

neutral conditions others like acidic conditions the conditions vary

from enzyme to enzyme.

Active site shape Diagram

When an enzyme works there are different conditions which inhibit

enzyme activity:

Ÿ PH level

Rate of reaction


Ph level

Enzymes work best at certain Ph levels , the optimum rate of reaction

for the enzyme is obtained between these PH levels if they stray to

far from these ph levels the cease to work a efficiently

Ÿ Heat

Rate of reaction



Enzymes work best at certain temperatures around these temperatures

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