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Nutrition during pregnancy Essay
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Each year in the United States there are six million child births. Of the six million births in the United States 12,000 are said to be due to ectopic pregnancies. One in fifty women are likely to have an ectopic pregnancy (Diagnostics, Pregnancy). An ectopic pregnancy is a complication within the first trimester of pregnancy and normally symptoms begin to occur between the five to fourteen week periods (Diagnostics). Ectopic means “in an abnormal position” (Ectopic). An ectopic pregnancy is when the ovum is fertilized and begins to develop somewhere other than the uterus.
Diagnosis of an Ectopic Pregnancy
In order to know if a women’s pregnancy has become ectopic the doctor will do a few different things, such as, a pelvic exam, a blood test, or an ultrasound. A pelvic exam would determine the size of your uterus and feel for growths in the stomach. The doctor would notify a woman of any abnormalities, although, the doctor would also have to pass the woman through more exams to be positive. A blood test would determine the pregnancy hormone levels. After a few days the hormone should rise at a constant pace, if not, it would suggest abnormalities with the pregnancy. Lastly an ultrasound would clearly show the doctor the uterus, if the baby is absent then it would signify an ectopic pregnancy (Ectopic).
Causes of an Ectopic Pregnancy
The most common reason to how an ectopic pregnancy happens is when the fallopian tube has a blockage and it causes a hindrance which prevents the ovum from traveling to its destination, and therefore, it embeds itself in the walls of the fallopian tubes (Ectopic).The fertilized ovum may develop in places such as the ovary, cervix, or even a C-section scar. The most likely place ...
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... Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/ectopic-pregnancy-topic-overview
Ectopic Pregnancy - American Family Physician. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.aafp.org/afp/2000/0215/p1080.html
Ectopic Pregnancy | University of Maryland Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://umm.edu/health/medical/pregnancy/staying-healthy-during-pregnancy/ectopic-pregnanc
Diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3213855/
Healthy Outlook: Don't Give Up After Tubal Pregnancy - Contra Costa Health Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://cchealth.org/column/2012-0606-healthy-outlook.php
The mother who risked everything to have her ectopic baby | Mail Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2008476/The-mother-risked-ectopic-baby.html
(article of inspiration)
...h at the idea of carrying a new life, as well as saving an older life-when aspects of her maternity give life.
Reflection Paper 1 Timothy Jenkins CEP 215 New Mexico State University Upon viewing “More Business of Being Born” (Epstein, 2011), I learned a lot about the different pros and cons of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Women are often deprived of the choice of the method of delivery of their children after they’ve previously had a cesarean birth. The cause of this is that there exists medical fright about a rupture of the uterus which often leads to the death of mother and baby (Epstein, 2011). In the mid twentieth century, it became common saying that “once a cesarean, always a cesarean” came about. This saying perpetrated the fear and understanding that women have to go about having another cesarean, depriving them of choice (Epstein, 2011).
Deering, S.H. (2004). Abruptio placentae. Department of obstetrics and gynecology: Madigan army medical center, 2, 3.
Oxfam Media Unit (2010) Pregnant women reconstruct Charles Ebbets’ image to highlight danger of childbirth in developing world. Retrieved from http://www.oxfam.org.uk/applications/blogs/pressoffice/2010/09/20/pregnant-women-reconstruct-charles-ebbets%E2%80%99-image-to-highlight-dangers-of-childbirth-in-the-developing-world/
should go through and if it doesn’t then the women has an irregular cycle. This process the movement of an egg to a fertilizing position, developing a lining in the uterus, then the shedding of that lining when the egg doesn’t become fertilized.
While pregnancies with a trisomy (a baby which has receive an extra chromosome) or a monosomy (have a missing chromosome) may go to full-term and result in the birth of a child with health problems, it is also possible that the pregnancy may miscarry, or that the baby is stillborn, because of the chromosome abnormality. In studies of first trimester miscarriages, about 60 percent (or more) are chromosomally abnormal. In studies of babies who are stillborn, 5 to 10 percent have a chromosome
Endometriosis occurs when endometrial cells grow in areas outside of the endometrium, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other pelvic regions. This ectopic endometrial tissue promotes an inflammatory response that produces the clinical features of the disease. The condition likely occurs due to various factors such as abnormal immunity, alerted hormone signaling, and genetics.
and healthy, but instead is born with multiple birth defects. It is the mother?s decision to
A Brain-Dead Mother, a Million-Dollar Baby. Retrieved 2014, from medpagetoday.com: http://www.medpagetoday.com/OBGYN/Pregnancy/43736.
I overcame two major barriers as I worked toward my goal, my father’s opinion about appropriate careers for women and my lack of English. I grew up in a village where the nearest doctor was three hours away. When I was eight years old, I was surprised by my aunt’s pregnancy and intrigued to learn more about pregnancy and fetal development.
eclampsia in a pregnant woman can put her and her unborn child at risk. A risk
For one woman, this vision of childbirth is not the norm. Ana Rhodes is a midwife, and she is one of the only birth attendants available to...
Pregnancy can be an exciting and sometimes frightening experience for many women. It was a snowy Sunday afternoon, and I was not feeling very well. I remember all week long, every morning I felt nauseated. I was craving odd foods, and foods I normally would not eat together. I was on the phone with my best friend explaining to her how I was feeling. She said “It sounds like you are pregnant.” That thought never even crossed my mind until that moment. Sure enough she was right, I was pregnant for the first time. I was excited to have a baby and never realized how many emotions or complications can take place during a pregnancy. Everybody that I knew that had babies, had such wonderful experiences. Unfortunately, this happy moment became such a monumental, emotional and stressful time in my life. During my pregnancy, I went through many emotional experiences from almost losing my child, to the uncertainty of a birth defect and early delivery.
Stevens, John, and Nazia Parveen. "I've Been Refused IVF Because My Fiance Is Already a Father, Reveals Heartbroken Woman." Mail Online. N.p., 1 Nov. 2013
Her parents were worried when she was pregnant for a second time because she hemorrhaged with giving birth to M.S.. K.S. must take baby aspirin daily during her pregnancies to reduce clotting from the factor V deficiency and after giving birth, must give herself a shot of Lovenox for 6 weeks. She had an ectopic pregnancy at age 28 and resulted in her having an unilateral salpingectomy, the removal of one fallopian tube, but was left with both ovaries, making it possible for her to have another pregnancy in the future.