The Drowned Cities

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The Drowned Cities by Paulo Bacigalupi is a very interesting and captivating novel about a area in what used to be the US that is now plagued with war. An important quote from the beginning of the story is on page 71. At this moment, the two main characters, Mouse and Mahila are sent to collect food, but they find something unexpected. “It wasn't one creature, but two. Monsters intertwined. A big king of an alligator, and another creature- a thing that mahila hadn’t seen since the cease-fire died and the last of the peacekeepers cleared out, all of them running for the docks as the Drowned Cities returned to war. A half-man.” This is an important quote primarily because it is the first time the narratives from Tool’s perspective and the narrative from Mahila’s perspective meet. This is the end of the exposition and the beginning of the rising action. Before now, nothing had really happened except for introducing us to the characters and a quick little scene for all 3 of them. This is the first time that something actually happens that changes their lives (since we have know them.) This would be like when Harry Potter finds out that he is a wizard, or when Katniss Everdeen gets selected for the Hunger Games. This has a similar effect on the rest of the book like those two events impacted their respective books. Tool becomes a main character and follows Mahila around for the majority of the rest of the book, and he saves her life on countless occasions. If Mahila had found tool in a different way, by perhaps watching him from afar, their relationship would had ended quite differently. From the way Tool respects Mahila on in the book, we can tell that he has a lot of respect and adoration to her for saving his life after she found hi...

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...e lines. However, I was also surprised at how quickly Tool and Ocho accepted each other as allies. While I doubt they are at the point where they would give their life to save the other, they went from owner and captive to allies surprisingly quickly. This quote is also an example of how Paolo lets us get inside the characters’ heads and see what they think and how they are reacting to a situation. If Ocho was thinking something more along the lines of how he could take Tool down again or how he could use Tool’s abilities to his advantage, we would be the first to know. Not only the quote, but the context around it is important. I found it interesting that the humans are in shambles, either literally or emotionally, and Tool is just in the middle trying to get Mahila and Ocho to follow him. Ocho is wondering what he has done, and Mahila is still grieving over Mouse.

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