The Diets And The Dieting Industry

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Get Slim Quick!:Exposing the truth in diets and the dieting industry
In todays society Americans are ballooning, the rise in fast food, large portions, and the decrease in physical activity 34.9% or 78.6 million U.S. adults are obese and millions more overweight. Obesity causes heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, creating a need for weight loss; this is where the dieting industry steps in ( It seems like everytime you connect to the internet or turn on your television there is an advertisement promising that for a insignificant amount of money, you can lose upwards of 30 pounds in short amount of time. The dieting industry has huge repercussions on american society and with that kind of power, dieting industries should become more responsible, realistic, regulated, by providing more and reliable information to correct misconceptions about a user’s weight loss experience. Clearing the misconceptions about how these weight loss methods are used and their effectiveness is essential to safe and effective weight loss methods.
In a study completed in 2008, determined that in representative sample of 3500 of US adults 33.9% of the reported to have used dietary supplements to aid weight loss attempts. Of these users the who completed the survey, many falsely believed that the dietary supplements they use are evaluated by the FDA (federal drug administration) before being marketed to the consumer, and that the dietary supplements are safer than over the counter (OTC) or prescription medications (Pillitteri, Shiffman, Rohay). Dietary supplements are substances one consumes, that are intended to add to one’s overall health. Dietary supplements can be marketed to cure a variety of afflictions such as weight los...

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...ards your goals of being healthy. This step improves other parts of life, that may have been the true origin of weight insecurity. Another step towards health is to give up dieting and restriction of intake altogether ( This method normalizes eating habits and removes the potential for frustration and stress. Lastly just get up and move! According to Mayo Clinic exercise is key in shedding those extra pounds but has other benefits such as preventing many serious health conditions and diseases such as diabetes, depression, and even some cancers. ( Exercise also improves mood and promotes better sleep, making you better prepared for what life has in store. It is of the utmost importance to seek professional advice from a health care professional about personal health before starting a weight loss regimen in order to prevent personal injury.

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