The Diary of an Active Nihilist

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The date was May 21st, that was the day that I had a philosophical epiphany. I had come to the realization that I was a Nihilist. What’s even more ironic is that two days prior to this realization my ignorance of this very philosophy was abundant to say the least. It all started with a thread I created on a Philosophy forum titled the Nihilist Paradox. The gist of my thread was that if Nihilists believe in nothing then is it not contradictory that they uphold Nihilism? A friend of mine from the forums was quick to point out that this was a common misconception that people held about Nihilism which consequently would become a stereotype ascribed to all Nihilists. He stated that Nihilists (He was referring specifically to Existential Nihilists as he debated me & others in the thread.) do not believe in nothing but rather, believe that life has no objective meaning, purpose, or value. Needless to say that the thread gained much momentum and an intense discourse ensued. This ultimately led to my friend urging me and every other participant in the thread to do the appropriate research and to empower ourselves.
The first source I referenced was the website: which is a website fully dedicated to the philosophy of Nihilism. Upon reading the site’s definition of Nihilism it was as if I had opened a door and a blinding light had greeted me on the other side. Nihilists were not people drowning in oceans of their own despair and agony while they bitterly contemplated the nothingness of life. On the contrary, Nihilists are people that believe that life does in fact have meaning but just as my friend said; it was not an objective one. Rather, the Nihilist believes that the meaning of life is one that the self creates through t...

... middle of paper ... debating the very concept of it. Children were and continue to be active Nihilists and they were and continue to be blissfully ignorant of it. It was then that I knew that active Nihilism was my true path. It was then that I knew that exalting my freedom and liberating myself from my society was not some arduous endeavor but rather it was as easy as the child pursuing the sun down the sidewalk on their bicycle. I will continue pursuing the truth and the morals that define me until either I touch the sun or my legs give way in the desert and the sands bury me alongside Nietzsche and every being who attempted ascension towards the Ubermensch ideal. I have never felt more free or hungry to find truth. I may have put myself in a prison wandering my cell aimlessly for truth and identity until death but in the end it is a life sentence I am more than willing to serve.

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