The Diary of Ann Frank

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Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl who lived in Amsterdam, Holland. She wrote a diary about her life during the Holocaust and when she was in hiding during the Nazi invasion. In her diary, she said “Despite, everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” I agree with this statement. My first reason for agreeing with Ann Frank is that people will often help others, even in the worst conditions and even if they put themselves at risk. For example, Meip, an employee of Anne’s father, was very willing to help hide the Franks and their friends in the secret annex of Mr. Frank’s company. Miep was very helpful, because she brought food and clothes and all kinds of stuff that the people in the hiding place needed, although she would’ve been sent to a concentration camp herself if she had been caught. Miep helped the Franks because she knew that it was the right thing to do and she hated the Nazis and what they were doing. A quote from the play that shows how committed Meip was to helping the Franks was when Anne said, “At least we know that Miep and Mr. Kraler are down there ...

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