Anne Frank Important Quotes

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Anne quoted in The Diary Of Anne Frank, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." Anne may have perceived this way due to the fact that everyone was down because of the possible imprisonment of the Frank family and The Van Daan's. She may also feel this way because she was starting to regret everything she had said to everyone who was staying with the Frank's. The last idea I think that Anne felt that way is because she might have felt that Adolf Hitler was pressuring his military to do something they knew was wrong. This is because Hitler was a very brutal human. There are yet many more influential quotes spoken by Anne, and still, most of us have no idea of what they mean. Given the fact that some people study famous quotes, but a majority of the American civilization knows little or nothing about Anne Frank, let alone her quoted words. This can cause riots between modern day Germans and Jews. On the last page of the play, Anne stated, "Despite everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." Even though Anne said, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart", she means that even after all of the bad things they have done to her, she still believes people mean to …show more content…

The first thing that came into mind was that Anne felt bad for all of the bad things she did. For example, Anne always argues with her mother, Edith. I also assume that Anne felt that way since she knows that she has to stay on her roommates' side of the dispute so they do not send her to the concentration camps. Finally, I thought that Anne thinks everybody else will sometimes get on her nerves. Due to the fact that Anne cannot go anywhere to get away from all of the turmoil. Therefore, I think Anne Frank said, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at

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