The Development of Bathsheba Everdene in Far from the Madding Crowd

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The Development of Bathsheba Everdene in Far from the Madding Crowd

“Far from the Madding Crowd”, by Thomas Hardy is about an immature

nineteen-year-old girl called Bathsheba Everdene; she has difficulties

throughout the novel. She has some good and bad experiences. These are

with three different characters. In the beginning of the novel

Bathsheba is vain, insensitive, egocentric and stubborn. She gradually

develops through the novel as she becomes less vain, stubborn,

insensitive, and egocentric and becomes more confident, caring and

more determined to make her farm work, this shows how her character

changes as she looks at the bad things that have happened in her life

and tries to put them right. As she progresses through the novel her

responsibilities become more demanding. These roles make her an

independent and successful lady. She also becomes more sensitive and

responsible towards men.

Bathsheba 'major fault’ is an immature and vain young

nineteen-year-old woman. Bathsheba is unaware of her own actions as

she leads men on without knowing. A way in which this can be shown is

the fact that she is aware of Oak having feelings for her but despite

this she lead him on. She shows this when Oak asks her to marry him,

but she doesn’t like the idea of it until he mentions that she will

get publicity. Oak suggests that he would publish their marriage in

the wedding section in the public newspaper and she goes along with it

as she will get known, but when he starts saying he needs commitment,

she slowly losses interest and this shows that she has no real reason

for wanting to marry him apart from the fact that she wants attention.

“Dearly I shall like that”

This leads onto her showing her vanity as ...

... middle of paper ...

...y gifts all

labelled to Bathsheba in six years time.

In conclusion Bathsheba emotions change, as she knows that Oak will be


“Leaving England, Why Gabriel, what are you going to do that for?”

This news shows that this is the worst time she has had as Oak has

been there for her through everything. She has had mixed feelings foe

three different men which make her grow. She soon realises that she is

in love with him; her love for him makes her grow and become very

mature near the end of the novel. Bathsheba marries Oak as she

realises that he is the right man for her and will be able to tame her

and be there for her.

Each of the three men helped he develop and become a more confident

and responsible lady. Though the whole of the whole of the novel

Bathsheba had problems and she managed to resolve them, which made her

a better character.

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