The Definition of a Friend

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Definition of a Friend

What is the definition of a friend? Many people have friends that they can count on for anything. Others have fair-weather friends that are there when they need something. There are countless definitions of what a friend could be. Someone who has a close personal relationship of mutual affection and trust with another is the dictionary's definition of a friend.

Although there are many definitions of a friend, one knows the true meaning of friendship if they have ever had a friend. Friends often come and go but true friends always stay. Many people learn from their friends and often ask the advice of their buddy. Having a good friend can usually brighten a bad day, and make one smile since that is what friends are for.

Being a good friend means that one will not judge the others mistakes but help with the correction of the mistakes. A good friend listens to problems and lends useful advice to better their situation. Being a good pal means that no matter what happens one will stand next to their friend's decisions and choices. Sometimes one may not always like what their friends have to say but since there is a common ground between the two one will often listen and respect what the other has to say.

Often times there is a challenge in camaraderie and some of the time there is an all out loss of friendship. Many people are friends with others but do not always treat their friend how they should. This results in fighting between friends. Most of the time it is a quick argument that ends in a better understanding of the others feelings. But sometimes friendships are hurt and it could take a very long time to repair the friendship, if it even could be repaired.

Support of a friend is one of the most important things that a friendship can offer. Letting a buddy know that one is behind them in whatever they do and that one will support them in the decision they make is a good foundation for friendship. Even though one might not make the same choices that their friend does, they will still support whatever decision their friend makes.

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