The Definition Of Harassment

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2.1.1. Definition of harassment:
Harassment is any improper and/or unwelcome behavior that might reasonably be expected or perceived to be offensive or humiliating to another person. Harassment may take the form of words, gestures or actions which tend to offend, annoy, abuse, intimidate, humiliate, or embarrass another person or which create a threatening, unfriendly or violent work environment (Salman et al, 2016: 89). Under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment is classified as a form of gender discrimination. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines harassment as unwelcome physical requests or favors, and other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature that interferes with employment …show more content…

Harassment becomes improper when the behavior is big enough to create a threatening, aggressive, or abusive work environment for a reasonable person. An unwanted behavior related to the gender of a person occurs with the purpose or effect of violating the self-respect of a person, and of creating a frightening, hostile, shameful, humiliating or offensive environment (Hejase, 2015: 108).
2.1.2. Types of harassment:
According to the United States Supreme Court and the EEOC there are two identified types of sexual harassment: Quid pro Quo
First is the Quid pro Quo harassment, which is a Latin phrase for “this for that”, meaning a favor or an advantage granted in return for some employment benefits. For example when employees are offered a job promotion or a raise in the salary in return for a sexual favor or when they are threatened by a reciprocal action if they do not comply with the manager or supervisor advances. Another thing about Quid Pro Quo harassment is that it is considered as a form of on-the-job blackmail; however, defining the link between the unwelcome/improper sexual behavior and the employer’s action is mandatory for verifying that type of sexual harassment. (Laxman et al, 2014: …show more content…

Impact of harassment on employees and the Organization:
The consequences of harassment can be very significant on both the employees who have experienced it and the organizations itself. For the employees, results of such an act can lead to less job satisfaction and less organizational commitment, and increased levels of stress. They may also experience tension, anger, and anxiety. Some of them might as well experience depression or guilt or even the need for medical or psychological attention and more intention to quit their job.
For organizations, harassment can affect their reputation and success as it threats its employees’ personal security leading to less satisfaction not only with their job, but with the organization as a whole. And the lower the employees’ satisfaction is, the higher the turnover and absenteeism rates are. This may also lead to less productivity and innovation. Organizations may also be exposed to lawsuits and fines as well as other compensations and penalties. Sexual harassment is not only against the law but it also decreases the efforts for productive work and a good learning environment, thus lowering the chances of organizations progress (Laxman et al, 2014:

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