The Definition Of Administration And Management In Nursing

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Introduction to Administration and Management in Nursing
Administration and management area process to fulfil the predetermined functions of an organization, in every organisation or institution. There are two types of functions; administrative and executive functions, administrative functions are performed by top level managers and executive functions are mostly related to middle and first level managers.
Main role of top level managers is thinking because they are skilled in critical thinking and form the plans and policies; middle level have human relations skill, interpersonal skill and first level manager shave technical skills.
Thus administration determines the basic framework for the organisation and management executes it.
Management process is a …show more content…

Nursing services where nurses act asana administrator, forms plans and policies, rules and regulations to render high quality of nursing care in which physical, psychological, spiritual and psychosocial needs of patients are met and render high quality of nursing education.
Theories of Management and Administration
A theory is an abstract statement formulated to predict, explain or describe the relationships among concepts, constructs, or events.
A theory is a group of assumptions which help to explain the relationship between two or more observable facts. The evolution of management theory was in terms of human relationships.
The management theories included the scientific management theory, classical organization theory, the behavioral school and management science school.
The scientific selection of workers, so that each worker would be given responsibility for the task for which he / she was best suited.
Classical Organization

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