The Debate over Election: Predestination vs. Free Will

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To some degree faith binds everyone in the world. Faith is the binding agent for the Christians of the world. Faith brings about disagreements, persecutions, segregation, and in serious cases death, all an effort for a bigger cause. Christians are those who follow Jesus Christ’s teachings. Christianity is the least uniform system of beliefs in comparison to many organized religions like: Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and many others. Disagreements rise about topics like: one’s choice in life, how does one reach Heaven, do Christians really serve a tangible God, and so much more. These questions begin to undermine Christians’ theology because their judgement becomes clouded. All stem from unbelief, and one certain question, predestination or free will, causes disagreements throughout the globe for the followers of faith. Christians must look at all facets of one’s eternal election.
To start, John Calvin, Calvinism’s creator, originated the religious use of the idea, predestination. Predestination is the plan God gives to some to get salvation eternally (“Predestination”). It is the major belief of Calvinism. Predestination causes great debates among Christian scholars. Calvin bought the idea that all human beings are elected by God to be placed in heaven or hell. Those who believe predestination state that God’s offer of salvation is not up for man’s free will (“Predestination”). It is not humans’ choice to decide salvation because they are faulty in nature and have fleshly desires. God has a perfect plan to get those that deserve Heaven into Heaven. God elects specific people because he understands if they deserve Heaven or Hell (“Calvinism”). God is perfect enough to understand who is going to serve heaven and who is going to ser...

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...what they believe to what the Bible has as proof. The Bible must be the end all for Christians’ questions on election because in the end, free will, predestined, or a mixed stance on election can not save those that oppose what Scripture has to tell them about living their life. Election must not become an eternal roadblock.

Works Cited

Arminianism.” Theopedia, n.d. Web. 8 April 2014
“Calvinism.” Theopedia, n.d.Web. 9 April 2014
Doles, Jeff. “C.S. Lewis on Calvinism and Free Will.” Faithlog. 30 December 2008, Web. 10 April 2014
Driscoll, Mark and Gerry Breshears. Doctrine. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010. Print.
English Standard Version. Edition 2011. Wheaton: Crossway, 2011. Print.
“Free Will.” Theopedia, n.d. Web. 8 April 2014
“Predestination.” 16 April 2013, Web. 8 April 2014

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