The Death of Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare's Play

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The Death of Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare's Play

In this piece of coursework I’m going to find out who is responsible

of the death of Romeo and Juliet. I am going to focus mainly on

Tybalt, Friar Lawrence, benvilio, the nurse, Romeo and Juliet

themselves. I’m going to look in very deeply into the role of these

people and come down to a conclusion of who is the largely responsible

for the death, I agreed that every one in the play had at least

something to do with the death of Romeo and Juliet. Mercuito getting

killed by tybalt, which lead Romeo to murder tybalt, which escorted

Romeo getting banished from Verona, which lead him to get false

information about Juliet and then decide to kill himself. Lady Capulet

which demanded that Romeo is banished, then you have The Prince who

agrees and quoted that if Romeo comes into Verona he should be killed.

I’m now going to now start on my essay. I will begin with friar

Lawrence talking about how he put to much pressure on Romeo and Juliet

to marry. getting

The main reason why Friar Lawrence is in the frame for the responsible

of death of Romeo and Juliet is because he was the person who thought

of marring Romeo and Juliet. He thought it would bring both families

together, and stop the feud. Friar Lawrence new the consequences if

they got caught it would make the grudge even larger, and friar could

serve a death sentence. His plan wasn’t planned enough it didn’t not

go to plan at all. The plan was to give Juliet the sleeping potion

Lawrence. So every one things she is dead so she doesn’t have to

marry , so then after she could marry Romeo then the families

will stop there feud and be friends. The thing was that friar john

told Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo panicking wanted to go back to

Verona. Friar Lawrence sent a letter in the post telling Romeo what

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