The Cruelty Of The Vikings: Savage And Civilised

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Vikings were both savage and civilised. John Bareham stated this idea. They lived savagely in a civilised way. They raided and plundered as a career, to provide wealth for themselves and family. If Vikings did not have a fuse between being savage and civilised, they would not be the people in our history books today.

In source 1, Ivar the Boneless’ Vikings killed Edmund, King of East Anglia by tying him onto a tree, then using him as target practice. Arrows shot him many times. The suffering of Edmund shows the cruelty of the Vikings. Of how they did not kill him fast. Rather they let him endure the long and agonising death. The source is somewhat reliable due to the age of the artwork. No one here alive is to prove if that picture is true or false. This makes the source somewhat reliable. As a result, this source shows the cruelty of Vikings. …show more content…

Defenceless women and children even. The savageness of the Vikings are shown by the fact that Vikings killed people as a sense of pleasure. This source is probably reliable because the information was rather recent. This statement proves that John Bareham (1976), Vikings slaughtered many people for the sake of entertainment. Defenceless women and children even. The savageness of the Vikings are shown by the fact that Vikings killed people as a sense of pleasure. This source is probably reliable because the information was rather recent. This statement shows that Vikings were

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